Iced Earth
The Coming Curse

I walk the Earth just as they planned
baptized in fire for my ancient land
the coming curse, your anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
I vindicate and cleanse the Earth of all mankind

For many years, I've walked among you
through the folds of time and space
kingdoms fall, leaders die, as I see fit
I devour souls of those that pose a threat

I walk the Earth another day
the wicked one that comes this way
savior to my own, devil to some
Mankind falls, something wicked comes

I bide my time planning your fate
with bated breath, The Elder wait
the coming curse, your anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
for your crimes on our kind you all will die

I walk the Earth another day
the wicked one that comes this way
savior to my own, devil to some
mankind falls, something wicked comes

Forged in the sacred flames
on the sixth day
of the sixth month
in the sixth hour

I am your anti-Christ, I will destroy mankind
born of the beast and flames
I will devour, I will divide

Hellfire rages in my eyes
blood will fall like rain this night
the coming curse, the anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
I vindicate and cleanse the Earth of all mankind

I walk the Earth another day
the wicked one that comes this way
savior to my own, devil to some
mankind falls, something wicked comes

Mirror lyrics:

mankind falls, something wicked comes
savior to my own, devil to some
the wicked one that comes this way
I walk the Earth another day

I vindicate and cleanse the Earth of all mankind
the coming curse, the anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
blood will fall like rain this night
Hellfire rages in my eyes

I will devour, I will divide
born of the beast and flames
I am your anti-Christ, I will destroy mankind

in the sixth hour
of the sixth month
on the sixth day
Forged in the sacred flames

mankind falls, something wicked comes
savior to my own, devil to some
the wicked one that comes this way
I walk the Earth another day

for your crimes on our kind you all will die
the coming curse, your anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
with bated breath, The Elder wait
I bide my time planning your fate

Mankind falls, something wicked comes
savior to my own, devil to some
the wicked one that comes this way
I walk the Earth another day

I devour souls of those that pose a threat
kingdoms fall, leaders die, as I see fit
through the folds of time and space
For many years, I've walked among you

I vindicate and cleanse the Earth of all mankind
the coming curse, your anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
baptized in fire for my ancient land
I walk the Earth just as they planned

Relevant Tags:
TThe CComing CCurse he oming urse hTe oCming uCrse fhe foming furse fThe fComing fCurse Tfhe Cfoming Cfurse 5he xoming xurse
5The xComing xCurse T5he Cxoming Cxurse hhe voming vurse hThe vComing vCurse Thhe Cvoming Cvurse yhe doming durse yThe dComing dCurse
Tyhe Cdoming Cdurse 6he Cooming Cuurse 6The Cming Crse T6he Cmoing Cruse ghe Ckming Chrse gThe Ckoming Churse Tghe Cokming Cuhrse
rhe C9ming C7rse rThe C9oming C7urse Trhe Co9ming Cu7rse C0ming Ckrse Te C0oming Ckurse Teh Co0ming Cukrse Tje Clming Cirse
Tjhe Cloming Ciurse Thje Colming Cuirse Tue Ciming C8rse Tuhe Cioming C8urse Thue Coiming Cu8rse Tne Comming Cjrse Tnhe Coing Cjurse
Thne Coimng Cujrse Tbe Cojing Cyrse Tbhe Cojming Cyurse Thbe Comjing Cuyrse Tge Coking Currse Cuse Thge Comking Cusre
Tye Coning Cudse Conming Cudrse Thye Comning Curdse Thee Comiing Cu4se Th Comng Cu4rse The Comnig Cur4se Ths Comjng Cugse
Thse Cugrse Thes Comijng Curgse

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