Iced Earth
Order Of The Rose

Passed down through centuries
The Order lives and feeds upon them
A global fraternity
Philanthropy, tactical deception
In plain sight throughout all time
Contriving human decline
Instilling those who lead
Seizing opportunities

Rise of Setian Evocation
And the Order thrives
So the day arrives of His birth
Rise of Setian Evocation
And the Order lives for the day
Of Man's Coming Curse

Create divisive creeds
Embrace the fact man needs religion
Prophets, Saviors and Priests
All convinced they have the answers
The truth is they'll never know
Behind faith they'll hide and hope
We'll build them a martyr son
Sacrificial lamb, the holy one

Rise of Setian Evocation
And the Order thrives
So the day arrives of His birth
Rise of Setian Evocation
And the Order lives for the day
Of Man's Coming Curse

The object of their divide
So convinced their way is right
The narrow view of all mankind
In the name of God they will divide

Rise of Setian Evocation
And the Order thrives
So the day arrives of His birth
Rise of Setian Evocation
And the Order lives for the day
Of Man's Coming Curse

Mirror lyrics:

Of Man's Coming Curse
And the Order lives for the day
Rise of Setian Evocation
So the day arrives of His birth
And the Order thrives
Rise of Setian Evocation

In the name of God they will divide
The narrow view of all mankind
So convinced their way is right
The object of their divide

Of Man's Coming Curse
And the Order lives for the day
Rise of Setian Evocation
So the day arrives of His birth
And the Order thrives
Rise of Setian Evocation

Sacrificial lamb, the holy one
We'll build them a martyr son
Behind faith they'll hide and hope
The truth is they'll never know
All convinced they have the answers
Prophets, Saviors and Priests
Embrace the fact man needs religion
Create divisive creeds

Of Man's Coming Curse
And the Order lives for the day
Rise of Setian Evocation
So the day arrives of His birth
And the Order thrives
Rise of Setian Evocation

Seizing opportunities
Instilling those who lead
Contriving human decline
In plain sight throughout all time
Philanthropy, tactical deception
A global fraternity
The Order lives and feeds upon them
Passed down through centuries

Relevant Tags:
OOrder OOf TThe RRose rder f he ose rOder fO hTe oRse krder kf fhe dose kOrder kOf fThe dRose Okrder Okf Tfhe Rdose
9rder 9f 5he 4ose 9Order 9Of 5The 4Rose O9rder O9f T5he R4ose 0rder 0f hhe gose 0Order 0Of hThe gRose O0rder O0f Thhe Rgose
lrder lf yhe tose lOrder lOf yThe tRose Olrder Olf Tyhe Rtose irder if 6he 5ose iOrder iOf 6The 5Rose Oirder Oif T6he R5ose
Orrder Off ghe fose Oder O gThe fRose Odrer Of Tghe Rfose Odder Oc rhe eose Odrder Ocf rThe eRose Ordder Ofc Trhe Reose
O4der Or Roose O4rder Orf Te Rse Or4der Ofr Teh Rsoe Ogder Og Tje Rkse Ogrder Ogf Tjhe Rkose Orgder Ofg Thje Rokse
Otder Ot Tue R9se Otrder Otf Tuhe R9ose Ortder Oft Thue Ro9se O5der Ov Tne R0se O5rder Ovf Tnhe R0ose Or5der Ofv Thne Ro0se
Ofder Od Tbe Rlse Ofrder Odf Tbhe Rlose Orfder Ofd Thbe Rolse Oeder Tge Rise Oerder Riose Oreder Thge Roise
Tye Rosse Orer Roe Oredr Thye Roes Orxer Thee Roze Orxder Th Rozse Ordxer The Rosze
Oreer Ths Rowe

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