Iced Earth
Harbinger Of Fate

When I was young I was different
There was more inside of me
So alone yet a sense of purpose
The guiding light of the order nurtured me
Daunted by the truth revealed
What am I? What's my destiny?
A million souls, the priest incarnate
I am the one, I am the astral beast

I am the wicked, the dealer of fate
Harbinger of sorrow
I'm the assassin, the dealer of fate
Framing man's tomorrow

I thrive as the lone traveler
Trough the folds of time and space
The chosen one to foreshadow
The hand of god will eradicate this race

I am the past, I'm the cure for sorrow
I am the now, I'm of every age
I'm the future ending man's tomorrow
The hand of God, the harbinger of fate

I am the wicked, the dealer of fate
Harbinger of sorrow
I'm the assassin, the dealer of fate
Framing man's tomorrow

Kingdoms will fall, empires crumble
Seizing on the politics of hate
I am the one, the devil in the details
The hand of God, the harbinger of fate

I am the wicked, the dealer of fate
Harbinger of sorrow
I'm the assassin, the dealer of fate
Framing man's tomorrow

Mirror lyrics:

Framing man's tomorrow
I'm the assassin, the dealer of fate
Harbinger of sorrow
I am the wicked, the dealer of fate

The hand of God, the harbinger of fate
I am the one, the devil in the details
Seizing on the politics of hate
Kingdoms will fall, empires crumble

Framing man's tomorrow
I'm the assassin, the dealer of fate
Harbinger of sorrow
I am the wicked, the dealer of fate

The hand of God, the harbinger of fate
I'm the future ending man's tomorrow
I am the now, I'm of every age
I am the past, I'm the cure for sorrow

The hand of god will eradicate this race
The chosen one to foreshadow
Trough the folds of time and space
I thrive as the lone traveler

Framing man's tomorrow
I'm the assassin, the dealer of fate
Harbinger of sorrow
I am the wicked, the dealer of fate

I am the one, I am the astral beast
A million souls, the priest incarnate
What am I? What's my destiny?
Daunted by the truth revealed
The guiding light of the order nurtured me
So alone yet a sense of purpose
There was more inside of me
When I was young I was different

Relevant Tags:
HHarbinger OOf FFate arbinger f ate aHrbinger fO aFte jarbinger kf cate jHarbinger kOf cFate Hjarbinger Okf Fcate
uarbinger 9f rate uHarbinger 9Of rFate Huarbinger O9f Frate narbinger 0f gate nHarbinger 0Of gFate Hnarbinger O0f Fgate
barbinger lf tate bHarbinger lOf tFate Hbarbinger Olf Ftate garbinger if vate gHarbinger iOf vFate Hgarbinger Oif Fvate
yarbinger Off date yHarbinger O dFate Hyarbinger Of Fdate Haarbinger Oc Faate Hrbinger Ocf Fte Hrabinger Ofc Ftae
Hzrbinger Or Fzte Hzarbinger Orf Fzate Hazrbinger Ofr Fazte Hqrbinger Og Fqte Hqarbinger Ogf Fqate Haqrbinger Ofg Faqte
Hsrbinger Ot Fste Hsarbinger Otf Fsate Hasrbinger Oft Faste Hwrbinger Ov Fwte Hwarbinger Ovf Fwate Hawrbinger Ofv Fawte
Hxrbinger Od Fxte Hxarbinger Odf Fxate Haxrbinger Ofd Faxte Harrbinger Fatte Habinger Fae Habringer Faet
Hadbinger Fafe Hadrbinger Fafte Hardbinger Fatfe Ha4binger Fa5e Ha4rbinger Fa5te Har4binger Fat5e
Hagbinger Fahe Hagrbinger Fahte Hargbinger Fathe Hatbinger Faye Hatrbinger Fayte Hartbinger Fatye
Ha5binger Fa6e Ha5rbinger Fa6te Har5binger Fat6e Hafbinger Fage Hafrbinger Fagte Harfbinger Fatge
Haebinger Fare Haerbinger Farte Harebinger Fatre Harbbinger Fatee Haringer Fat Haribnger Fate
Harvinger Fats Harvbinger Fatse Harbvinger Fates Harginger Fat3 Fat3e Harbginger Fate3
Harninger Fatf Harnbinger Harbninger Fatef Harhinger Fatr Harhbinger Harbhinger Fater
Harbiinger Fat4 Harbnger Fat4e Harbniger Fate4 Harbjnger Fatd Harbjinger Fatde Harbijnger Fated
Harb9nger Fatw Harb9inger Fatwe Harbi9nger Fatew Harblnger

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