Ian Carey
Keep On Rising

(feat. Michelle Shellers)

Down in the depths of my soul
Feeling the lost of control
In its spirit
So colourful
If you feel it then let's go
To a place where you belong
Give it strength to carry on
Open your heart
Set your mind at ease
Live your life
And you'll be free

We're gonna rise, rise, rise
Keep on rising
Rise, rise, rise
Uhmmmm uhhm

Rise, rise, rise
Keep on rising
Rise, rise, rise
Yeah Hey yeah Uhmm

Sometimes you feel like
You're down and out
Feeling the pressure
And you're in doubt
And your feeling low
Nowhere to go
Don't you worry
I know you're gonna

Rise, rise, rise
Keep on rising
Rise, rise, rise
Yeah Hey yeah Uhmm

We're gonna rise, rise, rise
Keep on rising

We're gonna rise, rise, rise
Keep on rising
Rise, rise, rise

Keep on rising, rising, rising
Rising, rising, rising, rise ohh ohh yea

Mirror lyrics:

Rising, rising, rising, rise ohh ohh yea
Keep on rising, rising, rising

Rise, rise, rise
Keep on rising
We're gonna rise, rise, rise

Keep on rising
We're gonna rise, rise, rise

Yeah Hey yeah Uhmm
Rise, rise, rise
Keep on rising
Rise, rise, rise

I know you're gonna
Don't you worry
Nowhere to go
And your feeling low
And you're in doubt
Feeling the pressure
You're down and out
Sometimes you feel like

Yeah Hey yeah Uhmm
Rise, rise, rise
Keep on rising
Rise, rise, rise

Uhmmmm uhhm
Rise, rise, rise
Keep on rising
We're gonna rise, rise, rise

And you'll be free
Live your life
Set your mind at ease
Open your heart
Give it strength to carry on
To a place where you belong
If you feel it then let's go
So colourful
In its spirit
Feeling the lost of control
Down in the depths of my soul

(feat. Michelle Shellers)

Relevant Tags:
KKeep OOn RRising eep n ising eKep nO iRsing leep kn dising lKeep kOn dRising Kleep Okn Rdising oeep 9n 4ising oKeep 9On 4Rising
Koeep O9n R4ising meep 0n gising mKeep 0On gRising Kmeep O0n Rgising jeep ln tising jKeep lOn tRising Kjeep Oln Rtising ieep in 5ising
iKeep iOn 5Rising Kieep Oin R5ising Keeep Onn fising Kep O fRising Keep On Rfising Ksep Om eising Kseep Omn eRising Kesep Onm Reising
K3ep Oh Riising K3eep Ohn Rsing Ke3ep Onh Rsiing Kfep Oj Rjsing Kfeep Ojn Rjising Kefep Onj Rijsing Krep Ob R9sing Kreep Obn R9ising
Kerep Onb Ri9sing K4ep Rlsing K4eep Rlising Ke4ep Rilsing Kdep Rosing Kdeep Roising Kedep Riosing Kwep Rksing
Kweep Rkising Kewep Riksing R8sing R8ising Kepe Ri8sing Kesp Rusing Ruising Keesp Riusing
Ke3p Rissing Riing Kee3p Riisng Kefp Rizing Rizsing Keefp Riszing Kerp Riwing Riwsing
Keerp Riswing Ke4p Riding Ridsing Kee4p Risding Kedp Rieing Riesing Keedp Riseing

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