Ian Brown
What Happened To Ya Part 1

Full of decision laden with choice
Cast in a picture that is better than most
And while you work on your big masterplan
The pawn's around you were not part of the plan
Extended visions distorted dreams
All based on image, it's not all that it seems
You'll walk on water if they told you they lied
There's just one problem, you just missed the tide

What happened to ya
Did you change your mind
What happened to ya
We were one of a kind
Did you bury your face
Like an ostrich
You can't seem to hold on, you can't seem to get it on, get it on, get it on

Cast iron illusions, feelings locked in a safe
I saw you running to your own secret place
So very trusting of those people around
A new safe haven is the place that you've found
Extended visions distorted dreams
All based on image, it's not all that it seems
You'll walk on water if they told you they lied
There's just one problem, you've just missed the tide

What happened to ya
Did you change your mind
What happened to ya
We were one of a kind
Did you bury your face
Like an ostrich
You can't seem to hold on, you can't seem to get it on, get it on, get it on

Mirror lyrics:

You can't seem to hold on, you can't seem to get it on, get it on, get it on
Like an ostrich
Did you bury your face
We were one of a kind
What happened to ya
Did you change your mind
What happened to ya

There's just one problem, you've just missed the tide
You'll walk on water if they told you they lied
All based on image, it's not all that it seems
Extended visions distorted dreams
A new safe haven is the place that you've found
So very trusting of those people around
I saw you running to your own secret place
Cast iron illusions, feelings locked in a safe

You can't seem to hold on, you can't seem to get it on, get it on, get it on
Like an ostrich
Did you bury your face
We were one of a kind
What happened to ya
Did you change your mind
What happened to ya

There's just one problem, you just missed the tide
You'll walk on water if they told you they lied
All based on image, it's not all that it seems
Extended visions distorted dreams
The pawn's around you were not part of the plan
And while you work on your big masterplan
Cast in a picture that is better than most
Full of decision laden with choice

Relevant Tags:
WWhat HHappened TTo YYa PPart 11 hat appened o a art hWat aHppened oT aY aPrt 1 ahat jappened fo ga 0art 2 aWhat jHappened fTo gYa 0Part 21
Wahat Hjappened Tfo Yga P0art 12 3hat uappened 5o ha lart q 3What uHappened 5To hYa lPart q1 W3hat Huappened T5o Yha Plart 1q dhat nappened ho 6a oart
dWhat nHappened hTo 6Ya oPart Wdhat Hnappened Tho Y6a Poart ehat bappened yo ua Paart eWhat bHappened yTo uYa Prt Wehat Hbappened Tyo Yua Prat
shat gappened 6o 7a Pzrt sWhat gHappened 6To 7Ya Pzart Wshat Hgappened T6o Y7a Pazrt 2hat yappened go ja Pqrt 2What yHappened gTo jYa Pqart
W2hat Hyappened Tgo Yja Paqrt qhat Haappened ro ta Psrt qWhat Hppened rTo tYa Psart Wqhat Hpapened Tro Yta Pasrt Whhat Hzppened Too Yaa Pwrt
Wat Hzappened T Y Pwart Waht Hazppened To Ya Pawrt Wjat Hqppened Tk Yz Pxrt Wjhat Hqappened Tko Yza Pxart Whjat Haqppened Tok Yaz Paxrt
Wuat Hsppened T9 Yq Parrt Wuhat Hsappened T9o Yqa Pat Whuat Hasppened To9 Yaq Patr Wnat Hwppened T0 Ys Padt Wnhat Hwappened T0o Ysa Padrt
Whnat Hawppened To0 Yas Pardt Wbat Hxppened Tl Yw Pa4t Wbhat Hxappened Tlo Ywa Pa4rt Whbat Haxppened Tol Yaw Par4t Wgat Happpened Ti Yx Pagt
Wghat Hapened Tio Yxa Pagrt Whgat Happened Toi Yax Pargt Wyat Ha0pened Patt Wyhat Ha0ppened Patrt Whyat Hap0pened Partt
Whaat Halpened Pa5t Wht Halppened Pa5rt Whta Haplpened Par5t Whzt Haopened Paft Whzat Haoppened Pafrt
Whazt Hapopened Parft Whqt Paet Whqat Paert Whaqt Hapepned Paret Whst Hap0ened
Whsat Par Whast Happ0ened Part Whwt Haplened Parf Whwat Whawt Happlened Partf
Whxt Hapoened Par5 Whxat Whaxt Happoened Part5 Whatt Happeened Parh Wha Happned Parht
What Happneed Parth Whaf Happsned Pary Whaft Happsened Paryt

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