I See Stars
Project Wakeup

Don't make me say this twice
You know I'm right,
It's time to, its time to wake up
I can't stress this enough

You stare at me like I don't care,
I just don't want to fall asleep to another nightmare
To another nightmare

Whatever helps you sleep

I don't have any intentions
Of spinning you from this direction
So live on and don't ask any questions

You say that everything's okay,
But is everything really okay?
I don't think that everything's okay

You stare at me like I don't care
I just don't want to fall asleep to another nightmare
To another nightmare

No, the revolution is now

Mirror lyrics:

No, the revolution is now

To another nightmare
I just don't want to fall asleep to another nightmare
You stare at me like I don't care

I don't think that everything's okay
But is everything really okay?
You say that everything's okay,

So live on and don't ask any questions
Of spinning you from this direction
I don't have any intentions

Whatever helps you sleep

To another nightmare
I just don't want to fall asleep to another nightmare
You stare at me like I don't care,

I can't stress this enough
It's time to, its time to wake up
You know I'm right,
Don't make me say this twice

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