I Mother Earth
Good For Sule

The fathers torment the one son it falls on across warm deep oceans
of moments and the man he must become
A whole world away eighteen brothers holding out while the tree
of importance waits but close and safe wife and daughters hear no drums
or the voices of those he'll change
and if it feels good they must understand that the way had opened
to just a man with a faith in all good people walking gently knowing
just how wonderful it is
of the family portrait and a path unchosen both the roaring lions
of emotion he knew one day would have to come
while a whole world away his old home is reaching out
with the hands of enraptured hope but more than that they hold up
the one they want to the sun he's the only one...good for you sule.

Mirror lyrics:

the one they want to the sun he's the only one...good for you sule.
with the hands of enraptured hope but more than that they hold up
while a whole world away his old home is reaching out
of emotion he knew one day would have to come
of the family portrait and a path unchosen both the roaring lions
just how wonderful it is
to just a man with a faith in all good people walking gently knowing
and if it feels good they must understand that the way had opened
or the voices of those he'll change
of importance waits but close and safe wife and daughters hear no drums
A whole world away eighteen brothers holding out while the tree
of moments and the man he must become
The fathers torment the one son it falls on across warm deep oceans

Relevant Tags:
GGood FFor SSule ood or ule oGod oFr uSle hood cor zule hGood cFor zSule Ghood Fcor Szule yood ror wule yGood rFor wSule Gyood Fror Swule
bood gor dule bGood gFor dSule Gbood Fgor Sdule vood tor eule vGood tFor eSule Gvood Ftor Seule food vor xule fGood vFor xSule Gfood Fvor Sxule
tood dor aule tGood dFor aSule Gtood Fdor Saule Goood Foor Suule God Fr Sle Good Fro Slue Gkod Fkr Shle Gkood Fkor Shule Gokod Fokr Suhle
G9od F9r S7le G9ood F9or S7ule Go9od Fo9r Su7le G0od F0r Skle G0ood F0or Skule Go0od Fo0r Sukle Glod Flr Sile Glood Flor Siule Golod Folr Suile
Giod Fir S8le Giood Fior S8ule Goiod Foir Su8le Forr Sjle

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