I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business
The Kindler Burns

See james he loves to walk,
It's he all he knows from them
It's all he wants, and some day someone said,
"james if you run for me, i cant make your dreams come true."
He said,"it's not quite what i want, but sign me up."

Well think before you write.
You will see when you left but you hate your life.
And you dont want to be that some day.
You'll thank me tomorrow.

But james said,"no, i will go, and run many many miles."
And he, he had to always be someone he didn't want to be,
But james thats tough
He says," oh no what have i become."
He says," oh no what have i become."

But look at what you'll find.
You can't see that he loves, but he hates his life.
Cause he hides it so well when he smiles,
And he knows that you'll never find out.

What have i become,
What have i become,
What have i become,
He says,"what have i become",
What have i become,
He says,"what have i become",
What have i become,

See what james didn't know, that it's a shadey business out there.
And everyone is punching up your back, while they took everything you had.

Mirror lyrics:

And everyone is punching up your back, while they took everything you had.
See what james didn't know, that it's a shadey business out there.

What have i become,
He says,"what have i become",
What have i become,
He says,"what have i become",
What have i become,
What have i become,
What have i become,

And he knows that you'll never find out.
Cause he hides it so well when he smiles,
You can't see that he loves, but he hates his life.
But look at what you'll find.

He says," oh no what have i become."
He says," oh no what have i become."
But james thats tough
And he, he had to always be someone he didn't want to be,
But james said,"no, i will go, and run many many miles."

You'll thank me tomorrow.
And you dont want to be that some day.
You will see when you left but you hate your life.
Well think before you write.

He said,"it's not quite what i want, but sign me up."
"james if you run for me, i cant make your dreams come true."
It's all he wants, and some day someone said,
It's he all he knows from them
See james he loves to walk,

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TThe KKindler BBurns he indler urns hTe iKndler uBrns fhe lindler vurns fThe lKindler vBurns Tfhe Klindler Bvurns
5he oindler gurns 5The oKindler gBurns T5he Koindler Bgurns hhe mindler nurns hThe mKindler nBurns Thhe Kmindler Bnurns
yhe jindler hurns yThe jKindler hBurns Tyhe Kjindler Bhurns 6he iindler Buurns 6The iKindler Brns T6he Kiindler Bruns
ghe Bhrns gThe Kndler Tghe Knidler Buhrns rhe Kjndler B7rns rThe B7urns Trhe Kijndler Bu7rns
K9ndler Bkrns Te K9indler Bkurns Teh Ki9ndler Bukrns Tje Klndler Birns Tjhe Biurns Thje Kilndler Buirns
Tue Kondler B8rns Tuhe B8urns Thue Kiondler Bu8rns Tne Kkndler Bjrns Tnhe Kkindler Bjurns Thne Kikndler Bujrns
Tbe K8ndler Byrns Tbhe K8indler Byurns Thbe Ki8ndler Buyrns Tge Kundler Burrns Kuindler Buns Thge Kiundler Bunrs
Tye Kinndler Budns Kidler Budrns Thye Kidnler Burdns Thee Kimdler Bu4ns Th Kimndler Bu4rns The Kinmdler Bur4ns
Ths Kihdler Bugns Thse Kihndler Bugrns Thes Kinhdler Burgns Th3 Kijdler Butns Th3e Butrns The3 Kinjdler Burtns
Thf Kibdler Bu5ns Thfe Kibndler Bu5rns Thef Kinbdler Bur5ns Thr Kinddler Bufns Thre Kinler Bufrns Ther Kinlder Burfns
Th4 Kinxler Buens Th4e Kinxdler Buerns The4 Kindxler Burens Thd Kineler Burnns

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