Ian Brown
Me And You Forever

Good day to you my friend
Me and you forever
We will be together
Until the very end
And if there is not end my friend
Through fire we'll walk and start again
My precious friend

Come into the lions den
We'll see what you're made of then
Step out in the morning light
Come in where the lights so bright
Come into the lions den
We'll see what you're made of then
Step out in the morning light
And see my friend
You might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb
Yeah you might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb
With a gun up in your hand
All your heat is canned
What a trip before the fall

And so it is my friend
Me and you forever
So sure we'll meet again
My precious friend

Come into the lions den
We'll see what you're made of then
Step out in the morning light
And see my friend
You might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb
Somebody point the finger
Yeah you might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb
Just to put you in the picture
Somebody point the finger

You might as well be hanged for a sheep
As for a lamb

The youth been demonised
The young criminalised
By society despised for being young
Neither cherished nor recognised
Lionized or even prized
By their govermental guide to being free
Just you and me

Mirror lyrics:

Just you and me
By their govermental guide to being free
Lionized or even prized
Neither cherished nor recognised
By society despised for being young
The young criminalised
The youth been demonised

As for a lamb
You might as well be hanged for a sheep

Somebody point the finger
Just to put you in the picture
Yeah you might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb
Somebody point the finger
You might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb
And see my friend
Step out in the morning light
We'll see what you're made of then
Come into the lions den

My precious friend
So sure we'll meet again
Me and you forever
And so it is my friend

What a trip before the fall
All your heat is canned
With a gun up in your hand
Yeah you might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb
You might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb
And see my friend
Step out in the morning light
We'll see what you're made of then
Come into the lions den
Come in where the lights so bright
Step out in the morning light
We'll see what you're made of then
Come into the lions den

My precious friend
Through fire we'll walk and start again
And if there is not end my friend
Until the very end
We will be together
Me and you forever
Good day to you my friend

Relevant Tags:
MMe AAnd YYou FForever e nd ou orever eM nAd oYu oFrever je znd gou corever jMe zAnd gYou cForever Mje Aznd Ygou Fcorever
ke qnd hou rorever kMe qAnd hYou rForever Mke Aqnd Yhou Frorever ne snd 6ou gorever nMe sAnd 6You gForever Mne Asnd Y6ou Fgorever
Mee wnd uou torever M wAnd uYou tForever Me Awnd Yuou Ftorever Ms xnd 7ou vorever Mse xAnd 7You vForever Mes Axnd Y7ou Fvorever
M3 Annd jou dorever M3e Ad jYou dForever Me3 Adn Yjou Fdorever Mf Amd tou Foorever Mfe Amnd tYou Frever Mef Anmd Ytou Froever
Mr Ahd Yoou Fkrever Mre Ahnd Yu Fkorever Mer Anhd Yuo Fokrever M4 Ajd Yku F9rever M4e Ajnd Ykou F9orever Me4 Anjd Yoku Fo9rever
Md Abd Y9u F0rever Mde Abnd Y9ou F0orever Med Anbd Yo9u Fo0rever Mw Andd Y0u Flrever Mwe An Y0ou Florever Mew And Yo0u Folrever
Anx Ylu Firever Anxd Ylou Fiorever Andx Yolu Foirever Ane Yiu Forrever Aned Yiou Foever Ande Yoiu Foerver
Anf Youu Fodever Anfd Yo Fodrever Andf You Fordever Anr Yoh Fo4ever Anrd Yohu Fo4rever Andr Youh For4ever
Anc Yo7 Fogever Ancd Yo7u Fogrever Andc You7 Forgever Ans Yok Fotever Ansd Fotrever Ands Youk Fortever
Yoi Fo5ever Fo5rever Youi For5ever Yo8 Fofever Yo8u Fofrever You8 Forfever
Yoj Foeever Yoju Foerever Youj Foreever Yoy Yoyu Forver Youy Forveer
Forsver Forsever Foresver

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