International Noise Conspiracy, The
Introduction To The...

Let's present to you this old friend of mine,
We've been working together for a long time
Do you wanna know what all this screaming is about
Do you wanna know what all this writing is about
Do you wanna know what all this singing is about
Come on, just hear me, come on
Over and over again let's present to you, the black mask, my best friend, hey
Put it on baby, this mask against our skin, there's no way we can't win
Put it on honey, feel the fabric, it feels so sweet
Over and over again let's present to you, the black mask, my best friend, hey

Mirror lyrics:

Over and over again let's present to you, the black mask, my best friend, hey
Put it on honey, feel the fabric, it feels so sweet
Put it on baby, this mask against our skin, there's no way we can't win
Over and over again let's present to you, the black mask, my best friend, hey
Come on, just hear me, come on
Do you wanna know what all this singing is about
Do you wanna know what all this writing is about
Do you wanna know what all this screaming is about
We've been working together for a long time
Let's present to you this old friend of mine,

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IIntroduction TTo TThe... ntroduction o he... nItroduction oT hTe... jntroduction fo fhe... jIntroduction fTo fThe... Ijntroduction Tfo Tfhe...
9ntroduction 5o 5he... 9Introduction 5To 5The... I9ntroduction T5o T5he... lntroduction ho hhe... lIntroduction hTo hThe... Ilntroduction Tho Thhe...
ontroduction yo yhe... oIntroduction yTo yThe... Iontroduction Tyo Tyhe... kntroduction 6o 6he... kIntroduction 6To 6The... Ikntroduction T6o T6he...
8ntroduction go ghe... 8Introduction gTo gThe... I8ntroduction Tgo Tghe... untroduction ro rhe... uIntroduction rTo rThe... Iuntroduction Tro Trhe...
Inntroduction Too Itroduction T Te... Itnroduction To Teh... Imtroduction Tk Tje... Imntroduction Tko Tjhe... Inmtroduction Tok Thje...
Ihtroduction T9 Tue... Ihntroduction T9o Tuhe... Inhtroduction To9 Thue... Ijtroduction T0 Tne... T0o Tnhe... Injtroduction To0 Thne...
Ibtroduction Tl Tbe... Ibntroduction Tlo Tbhe... Inbtroduction Tol Thbe... Inttroduction Ti Tge... Inroduction Tio Inrtoduction Toi Thge...
Infroduction Tye... Inftroduction Intfroduction Thye... In5roduction Thee... In5troduction Th... Int5roduction Th.e..
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