Inspiral Carpets
Dragging Me Down

I would search this world for you
Even though you can't imagine
I wanna take you to China
I wanna kiss you in Rome

I'd use rocket ships, mine sweepers
Transistor radio receivers
I wanna hold you, wanna hold you too tight
Gonna break every bone of everybody in sight

When I'm flying so high
(Flying so high)
Like a bird in the sky
But you're dragging me down, yeah
But you're dragging me down, yeah
But you're dragging me down, down, down, down

I hear your talking and whispers, pale drawn out nails and fingers
I'm seeing shapes behind the curtain
You're looking older but you can't be certain
You're so tired
(You're so tired)

But you just can't sleep
You're so shallow
(You're so shallow)
But you're in too deep

Your hands shaking
Body's lifting, body's mine
I know, I know
'Cause I told you so

When I'm flying so high
(Flying so high)
Like a bird in the sky
But you're dragging me down, yeah
But you're dragging me down, yeah
But you're dragging me down, down, down, down

Oh, you're dragging me down, oh you're dragging me down
Drag, drag, dragging me down, oh you're dragging me down
Oh, you're dragging me, dragging me, dragging me, oh
(You're dragging me down)

I never can quite remember
Was it June, July or September?
That you sold your soul to me, to me
That you sold your soul to me, to me

When I'm flying so high
(Flying so high)
Like a storm in the sky
But you're dragging me down, yeah
But you're dragging me down, yeah
But you're dragging me down, yeah

When I'm flying so high
(Flying so high)
Like a bird in the sky
But you're dragging me down, yeah
But you're dragging me down, yeah
But you're dragging me down, down, down, down

Dragging me down, dragging me down
Dragging me down, dragging me down
Dragging me down, dragging me down
Dragging me down

Mirror lyrics:

Dragging me down
Dragging me down, dragging me down
Dragging me down, dragging me down
Dragging me down, dragging me down

But you're dragging me down, down, down, down
But you're dragging me down, yeah
But you're dragging me down, yeah
Like a bird in the sky
(Flying so high)
When I'm flying so high

But you're dragging me down, yeah
But you're dragging me down, yeah
But you're dragging me down, yeah
Like a storm in the sky
(Flying so high)
When I'm flying so high

That you sold your soul to me, to me
That you sold your soul to me, to me
Was it June, July or September?
I never can quite remember

(You're dragging me down)
Oh, you're dragging me, dragging me, dragging me, oh
Drag, drag, dragging me down, oh you're dragging me down
Oh, you're dragging me down, oh you're dragging me down

But you're dragging me down, down, down, down
But you're dragging me down, yeah
But you're dragging me down, yeah
Like a bird in the sky
(Flying so high)
When I'm flying so high

'Cause I told you so
I know, I know
Body's lifting, body's mine
Your hands shaking

But you're in too deep
(You're so shallow)
You're so shallow
But you just can't sleep

(You're so tired)
You're so tired
You're looking older but you can't be certain
I'm seeing shapes behind the curtain
I hear your talking and whispers, pale drawn out nails and fingers

But you're dragging me down, down, down, down
But you're dragging me down, yeah
But you're dragging me down, yeah
Like a bird in the sky
(Flying so high)
When I'm flying so high

Gonna break every bone of everybody in sight
I wanna hold you, wanna hold you too tight
Transistor radio receivers
I'd use rocket ships, mine sweepers

I wanna kiss you in Rome
I wanna take you to China
Even though you can't imagine
I would search this world for you

Relevant Tags:
DDragging MMe DDown ragging e own rDagging eM oDwn xragging je xown xDragging jMe xDown Dxragging Mje Dxown eragging ke eown
eDragging kMe eDown Deragging Mke Deown fragging ne fown fDragging nMe fDown Dfragging Mne Dfown rragging Mee rown rDragging M rDown
Drragging Me Drown cragging Ms cown cDragging Mse cDown Dcragging Mes Dcown sragging M3 sown sDragging M3e sDown Dsragging Me3 Dsown
Mf Doown Dagging Mfe Dwn Dargging Mef Dwon Ddagging Mr Dkwn Ddragging Mre Dkown Drdagging Mer Dokwn D4agging M4 D9wn
D4ragging M4e D9own Dr4agging Me4 Do9wn Dgagging Md D0wn Dgragging Mde D0own Drgagging Med Do0wn Dtagging Mw Dlwn Dtragging Mwe Dlown
Drtagging Mew Dolwn D5agging Diwn D5ragging Diown Dr5agging Doiwn Dfagging Dowwn Don Drfagging Donw
Deagging Doan Doawn Dreagging Dowan Draagging Do3n Drgging Do3wn Drgaging Dow3n Drzgging Dodn
Drzagging Dodwn Drazgging Dowdn Drqgging Doen Drqagging Doewn Draqgging Dowen Drsgging Dosn Drsagging Doswn
Drasgging Dowsn Drwgging Do2n Drwagging Do2wn Drawgging Dow2n Drxgging Doqn Drxagging Doqwn Draxgging Dowqn
Draggging Downn Draging Dow Dragging Down Drahging Dowm Drahgging Dowmn Draghging Downm Drayging Dowh
Draygging Dowhn Dragyging Downh Drabging Dowj Drabgging Dowjn Dragbging Downj

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