Into The Woods
Ever After

And it came to pass, all that seemed wrong
Was now right and those who deserved to
Were certain to live a long and happy life
Ever after, ever after

Journey over, all is mended
And it's not just for today
But tomorrow and extended
Ever after, ever after

All the curses have been ended
The reverses wiped away
All is tenderness and laughter
For forever after

Happy now and happy hence
And happy ever after

There were dangers
We were frightened
And confusions
But we hid it

And the paths would often swerve
We did not
There were constant
It's amazing

That we did it
But they never lost they're nerve
Not a lot
And we reached the right conclusions
And we got what they, we deserved

Not a sigh and not a sorrow
Tenderness and laughter
Joy today and bliss tomorrow
And forever after

I was greedy
I was vain
I was haughty
I was smug, we were happy

It was fun
But we were blind
Then we went into the woods
To get our wish and now we're really blind

I was perfect
I had everything but beauty
I had power
And a daughter like a flower in a tower

Then I went into the woods
To get my wish
And now I'm ordinary
Lost my power and my flower

We're unworthy
We're unhappy now, unhappy hence
As well as ever after
Had we used our common sense

Been worthy of our discontents
We'd be happy

To be happy and forever
You must see your wish come true
Don't be careful, don't be clever
When you see your wish, pursue

It's a dangerous endeavor
But the only thing to do
Though it's fearful
Though it's deep, though it's dark

And though you may lose your path
Though you may encounter wolves
You mustn't stop, you mustn't swerve
You mustn't ponder, you have to act

When you know your wish
If you want your wish
You can have your wish
No, to get your wish

You go into the woods where nothing's clear
Where witches, ghosts and wolves appear
Into the woods and through the fear
You have to take the journey

Into the woods and down the dell
In vain, perhaps, but who can tell?
Into the woods to lift the spell
Into the woods to lose the longing

Into the woods to have the child
To wed the Prince, to get the money
To save the house, to kill the Wolf
To find the father, to conquer the kingdom

To have, to wed, to get, to save
To kill, to keep, to go to the festival
Into the woods, into the woods
Into the woods, then out of the woods

And happy ever after

Mirror lyrics:

And happy ever after

Into the woods, then out of the woods
Into the woods, into the woods
To kill, to keep, to go to the festival
To have, to wed, to get, to save

To find the father, to conquer the kingdom
To save the house, to kill the Wolf
To wed the Prince, to get the money
Into the woods to have the child

Into the woods to lose the longing
Into the woods to lift the spell
In vain, perhaps, but who can tell?
Into the woods and down the dell

You have to take the journey
Into the woods and through the fear
Where witches, ghosts and wolves appear
You go into the woods where nothing's clear

No, to get your wish
You can have your wish
If you want your wish
When you know your wish

You mustn't ponder, you have to act
You mustn't stop, you mustn't swerve
Though you may encounter wolves
And though you may lose your path

Though it's deep, though it's dark
Though it's fearful
But the only thing to do
It's a dangerous endeavor

When you see your wish, pursue
Don't be careful, don't be clever
You must see your wish come true
To be happy and forever

We'd be happy
Been worthy of our discontents

Had we used our common sense
As well as ever after
We're unhappy now, unhappy hence
We're unworthy

Lost my power and my flower
And now I'm ordinary
To get my wish
Then I went into the woods

And a daughter like a flower in a tower
I had power
I had everything but beauty
I was perfect

To get our wish and now we're really blind
Then we went into the woods
But we were blind
It was fun

I was smug, we were happy
I was haughty
I was vain
I was greedy

And forever after
Joy today and bliss tomorrow
Tenderness and laughter
Not a sigh and not a sorrow

And we got what they, we deserved
And we reached the right conclusions
Not a lot
But they never lost they're nerve
That we did it

It's amazing
There were constant
We did not
And the paths would often swerve

But we hid it
And confusions
We were frightened
There were dangers

And happy ever after
Happy now and happy hence

For forever after
All is tenderness and laughter
The reverses wiped away
All the curses have been ended

Ever after, ever after
But tomorrow and extended
And it's not just for today
Journey over, all is mended

Ever after, ever after
Were certain to live a long and happy life
Was now right and those who deserved to
And it came to pass, all that seemed wrong

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EEver AAfter ver fter vEer fAter sver zfter sEver zAfter Esver Azfter 3ver qfter 3Ever qAfter E3ver Aqfter fver sfter fEver sAfter
Efver Asfter rver wfter rEver wAfter Erver Awfter 4ver xfter 4Ever xAfter E4ver Axfter dver Affter dEver Ater Edver Atfer wver Acter
wEver Acfter Ewver Afcter Evver Arter Eer Arfter Eevr Afrter Eber Agter Ebver Agfter Evber Afgter Ecer Atter Ecver Atfter Evcer Aftter
Eger Avter Egver Avfter Evger Afvter Efer Adter Adfter Evfer Afdter Eveer Evr Afer Evre Afetr Evsr Affer Evser
Evesr Aftfer Ev3r Af5er Ev3er Af5ter Eve3r Aft5er Evfr Afher Afhter

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