Into Eternity
Splintered Visions

Medicate the mind
Recover and Evaluate
Pills swallowed
Sleep sets in
Enter the other side

Splintered visions
Brought on by your mind
Splintered visions
Believing the lies

Recollection thoughts.
Trying to understand.
One more pill to sedate.
Diminishing the pain.

Splintered visions
Brought on by your mind.
Splintered visions
Believing the lies

You're running forever
Getting nowhere
Changing routes takes you back to the beginning
Falling down
Hit the wall

Splintered visions

You're running forever
Getting nowhere
Changing routes takes you back to the beginning
Falling down Hit the wall
Hit the wall

Mirror lyrics:

Hit the wall
Falling down Hit the wall
Changing routes takes you back to the beginning
Getting nowhere
You're running forever

Splintered visions

Hit the wall
Falling down
Changing routes takes you back to the beginning
Getting nowhere
You're running forever

Believing the lies
Splintered visions
Brought on by your mind.
Splintered visions

Diminishing the pain.
One more pill to sedate.
Trying to understand.
Recollection thoughts.

Believing the lies
Splintered visions
Brought on by your mind
Splintered visions

Enter the other side
Sleep sets in
Pills swallowed
Recover and Evaluate
Medicate the mind

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eplintered fisions eSplintered fVisions Seplintered Vfisions xplintered Viisions xSplintered Vsions Sxplintered Vsiions
aplintered Vjsions aSplintered Vjisions Saplintered Vijsions Spplintered V9sions Slintered V9isions Slpintered Vi9sions
S0lintered Vlsions S0plintered Vlisions Sp0lintered Vilsions Sllintered Vosions Slplintered Voisions Spllintered Viosions
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