Hã¼sker Dã¼
Data Control

A nine digit number

For every living soul

That is all they talk about

At Data Control

They know everything about you

Keeping secrets is too hard

Your life is all recorded for you

In holes punched in computer cards

Data Control (digital readout)

Data Control (perforated feedout)

Data Control (microfilm files)

Data Control (1984 style)

A multinational corporation

A stockholder's dream

A nightmare of diversity

A defense system so supreme

Too technical to talk about

Too complex for layman's brains

It's enough to make you paranoid

Or drive you crazy losers sane

Mirror lyrics:

Or drive you crazy losers sane

It's enough to make you paranoid

Too complex for layman's brains

Too technical to talk about

A defense system so supreme

A nightmare of diversity

A stockholder's dream

A multinational corporation

Data Control (1984 style)

Data Control (microfilm files)

Data Control (perforated feedout)

Data Control (digital readout)

In holes punched in computer cards

Your life is all recorded for you

Keeping secrets is too hard

They know everything about you

At Data Control

That is all they talk about

For every living soul

A nine digit number

Relevant Tags:
DData CControl ata ontrol aDta oCntrol xata fontrol xData fControl Dxata Cfontrol eata xontrol eData xControl Deata Cxontrol
fata vontrol fData vControl Dfata Cvontrol rata dontrol rData dControl Drata Cdontrol cata Coontrol cData Cntrol Dcata Cnotrol
sata Ckntrol sData Ckontrol Dsata Cokntrol Daata C9ntrol Dta C9ontrol Dtaa Co9ntrol Dzta C0ntrol Dzata C0ontrol Dazta Co0ntrol
Dqta Clntrol Dqata Clontrol Daqta Colntrol Dsta Cintrol Ciontrol Dasta Cointrol Dwta Conntrol Dwata Cotrol Dawta Cotnrol
Dxta Comtrol Comntrol Daxta Conmtrol Datta Cohtrol Daa Cohntrol Daat Conhtrol Dafa Cojtrol Dafta Cojntrol Datfa Conjtrol
Da5a Cobtrol Da5ta Cobntrol Dat5a Conbtrol Daha Conttrol Dahta Conrol Datha Conrtol Daya Confrol Dayta Conftrol Datya Contfrol
Da6a Con5rol Da6ta Con5trol Dat6a Cont5rol Daga Conhrol Dagta

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a la una

si pudiera

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