From Sinking

His time there so long
His fingers trace the endless walls he knew so well
And there the breaths were short and hard and thick with salt
And in this place he always knew he'd wake alone

Hands clutch in panic
In this place he built of sand homes that caved
The walls were weak with salty tears
Through the cracks in these walls he saw the sun

The sun dripped through the cracks and died
Shadows managed to betray
Like liquid was the sadness
Until in the light he stepped

In this truth he knew himself to be
From sinking sands he stepped into lights embrace

Mirror lyrics:

From sinking sands he stepped into lights embrace
In this truth he knew himself to be

Until in the light he stepped
Like liquid was the sadness
Shadows managed to betray
The sun dripped through the cracks and died

Through the cracks in these walls he saw the sun
The walls were weak with salty tears
In this place he built of sand homes that caved
Hands clutch in panic

And in this place he always knew he'd wake alone
And there the breaths were short and hard and thick with salt
His fingers trace the endless walls he knew so well
His time there so long

Relevant Tags:
FFrom SSinking rom inking rFom iSnking crom zinking cFrom zSinking Fcrom Szinking rrom winking rFrom wSinking Frrom Swinking
grom dinking gFrom dSinking Fgrom Sdinking trom einking tFrom eSinking Ftrom Seinking vrom xinking vFrom xSinking Fvrom Sxinking
drom ainking dFrom aSinking Fdrom Sainking Siinking Fom Snking Form Sniking Fdom Sjnking Sjinking Frdom Sijnking
F4om S9nking F4rom S9inking Fr4om Si9nking Fgom Slnking Slinking Frgom Silnking Ftom Sonking Soinking Frtom Sionking
F5om Sknking F5rom Skinking Fr5om Siknking Ffom S8nking Ffrom S8inking Frfom Si8nking Feom Sunking Ferom Suinking Freom Siunking
Froom Sinnking Frm Siking Frmo Sikning Frkm Simking Frkom Simnking Frokm Sinmking Fr9m Sihking Fr9om Sihnking Fro9m Sinhking
Fr0m Sijking Fr0om Fro0m Sinjking Frlm Sibking Frlom Sibnking Frolm Sinbking Frim Sinkking Friom Sining Froim Sinikng
Fromm Sinling

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