J.j. Cale
Livin' Here Too

Don't ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies
I was born on a freight train passing by
My mother was poor, my father too
I'll take anything I can get from you
I did not make this world I'm just livin' here too
I've been shot three times running, been cut with a knife
I've got four children working and I ain't got no wife
If you don't watch my fingers, I'll put the touch on you
Turn around slowly, look behind
I'm calling from nowhere and not by design
I did not make this world I'm just livin' here too
Nothing to win, nothing to lose
I don't want a lot, just a shot will do
I did not make this world I'm just livin' here too

Mirror lyrics:

I did not make this world I'm just livin' here too
I don't want a lot, just a shot will do
Nothing to win, nothing to lose
I did not make this world I'm just livin' here too
I'm calling from nowhere and not by design
Turn around slowly, look behind
If you don't watch my fingers, I'll put the touch on you
I've got four children working and I ain't got no wife
I've been shot three times running, been cut with a knife
I did not make this world I'm just livin' here too
I'll take anything I can get from you
My mother was poor, my father too
I was born on a freight train passing by
Don't ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies

Relevant Tags:
LLivin' HHere TToo ivin' ere oo iLvin' eHre oTo kivin' jere foo kLivin' jHere fToo Lkivin' Hjere Tfoo oivin' uere 5oo
oLivin' uHere 5Too Loivin' Huere T5oo pivin' nere hoo pLivin' nHere hToo Lpivin' Hnere Thoo Liivin' bere yoo Lvin' bHere yToo
Lviin' Hbere Tyoo Ljvin' gere 6oo Ljivin' gHere 6Too Lijvin' Hgere T6oo L9vin' yere goo L9ivin' yHere gToo Li9vin' Hyere Tgoo
Llvin' Heere roo Llivin' Hre rToo Lilvin' Hree Troo Lovin' Hsre Tooo Hsere To Liovin' Hesre Too Lkvin' H3re Tko
H3ere Tkoo Likvin' He3re Toko L8vin' Hfre T9o L8ivin' Hfere T9oo Li8vin' Hefre To9o Luvin' Hrre T0o Luivin' Hrere T0oo
Liuvin' Herre To0o Livvin' H4re Tlo Liin' H4ere Tloo Liivn' He4re Tolo Libin' Hdre Tio Libvin' Hdere Tioo Livbin' Hedre Toio
Licin' Hwre Licvin' Hwere Livcin' Hewre

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