J.j. Cale
I'll Make Love To You

I can't read and I cant write
I don't know my left from right
I can't tell if the sun's gonna shine
And i don't know if you're ever be mine
But I'll make love to you any old time
I can't swim and i can't fly
I ain't no fish I ain't no bird in the sky
I can't tell if the sun's gonna shine
And i don't know if you're ever be mine
But I'll make love to you any old time
I cant count from one to ten
And I don't know the shape I'm in
I can't tell if the sun's gonna shine
And i don't know if you're ever be mine
But I'll make love to you any old time

Mirror lyrics:

But I'll make love to you any old time
And i don't know if you're ever be mine
I can't tell if the sun's gonna shine
And I don't know the shape I'm in
I cant count from one to ten
But I'll make love to you any old time
And i don't know if you're ever be mine
I can't tell if the sun's gonna shine
I ain't no fish I ain't no bird in the sky
I can't swim and i can't fly
But I'll make love to you any old time
And i don't know if you're ever be mine
I can't tell if the sun's gonna shine
I don't know my left from right
I can't read and I cant write

Relevant Tags:
II'll MMake LLove TTo YYou 'll ake ove o ou 'Ill aMke oLve oT oYu j'll jake kove fo gou jI'll jMake kLove fTo gYou Ij'll Mjake Lkove Tfo Ygou
9'll kake oove 5o hou 9I'll kMake oLove 5To hYou I9'll Mkake Loove T5o Yhou l'll nake pove ho 6ou lI'll nMake pLove hTo 6You Il'll Mnake Lpove Tho Y6ou
o'll Maake yo uou oI'll Mke Lve yTo uYou Io'll Mkae Lvoe Tyo Yuou k'll Mzke Lkve 6o 7ou kI'll Mzake 6To 7You Ik'll Mazke Lokve T6o Y7ou
8'll Mqke L9ve go jou 8I'll Mqake L9ove gTo jYou I8'll Maqke Lo9ve Tgo Yjou u'll Mske L0ve ro tou uI'll Msake L0ove rTo tYou Iu'll Maske Lo0ve Tro Ytou
I''ll Mwke Llve Too Yoou Ill Mwake Llove T Yu Il'l Mawke Lolve To Yuo I'lll Mxke Live Tk Yku I'l Mxake Liove Tko Ykou I'll Maxke Loive Tok Yoku
I'kl Makke Lovve T9 Y9u I'kll Mae Loe T9o Y9ou I'lkl Maek Loev To9 Yo9u I'ol Male Lobe T0 Y0u I'oll Malke Lobve T0o Y0ou I'lol Makle Lovbe To0 Yo0u

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