J. Geils Band
Love Stinks

You love her
But she loves him
And he loves somebody else
You just can't win
And so it goes
Till the day you die
This thing they call love
It's gonna make you cry
I've had the blues
The reds and the pinks
One thing for sure

Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah

Two by two and side by side
Love's gonna find you, yes it is
You just can't hide
You'll hear it call
Your heart will fall
Then love will fly
It's gonna soar
I don't care for any casanova thing
All I can say is

Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah

I've been through diamonds
I've been through minks
I've been through it all

Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks

I've been through it all
I've been through minks
I've been through diamonds

Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks

All I can say is
I don't care for any casanova thing
It's gonna soar
Then love will fly
Your heart will fall
You'll hear it call
You just can't hide
Love's gonna find you, yes it is
Two by two and side by side

Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks
Love stinks, yeah, yeah
Love stinks

One thing for sure
The reds and the pinks
I've had the blues
It's gonna make you cry
This thing they call love
Till the day you die
And so it goes
You just can't win
And he loves somebody else
But she loves him
You love her

Relevant Tags:
LLove SStinks ove tinks oLve tSinks kove ztinks kLove zStinks Lkove Sztinks oove wtinks oLove wStinks Loove Swtinks pove dtinks
pLove dStinks Lpove Sdtinks etinks Lve eStinks Lvoe Setinks Lkve xtinks xStinks Lokve Sxtinks L9ve atinks L9ove aStinks
Lo9ve Satinks L0ve Sttinks L0ove Sinks Lo0ve Sitnks Llve Sfinks Llove Sftinks Lolve Stfinks Live S5inks Liove S5tinks Loive St5inks
Lovve Shinks Loe Shtinks Loev Sthinks Lobe Syinks Lobve Sytinks Lovbe Styinks Loce S6inks Locve S6tinks Lovce St6inks Loge Sginks
Logve Sgtinks Lovge Stginks Lofe Srinks Lofve Srtinks Lovfe Strinks Lovee Stiinks Lov Stnks Love Stniks Lovs Stjnks Lovse Stjinks
Loves Stijnks Lov3 St9nks Lov3e St9inks Love3 Sti9nks Lovf Stlnks Stlinks Lovef Stilnks Lovr Stonks Lovre Stoinks Lover Stionks

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