Izzy Stradlin
Time Gone By

Try to think back
Time gone by
Not much come back
But one thing I
Do remember,
Remember words were said

Time fills the pages
Turn the page
Time will not stop
It will have its way on you
Received a letter from overseas
It said if you come back
Would you like to see me
Then I recognized me
Time has changed my face

I saw my brother
Last week today I said, "What's been goin'?"
He said, "Same old thing"
Do you remember
When time was all we had

Never count the hours
Didn't count the days
Never stopped to wonder,
What time would bring

Time would bring
Time would bring
Time would bring
Time would bring
Time would bring

Mirror lyrics:

Time would bring
Time would bring
Time would bring
Time would bring
Time would bring

What time would bring
Never stopped to wonder,
Didn't count the days
Never count the hours

When time was all we had
Do you remember
He said, "Same old thing"
Last week today I said, "What's been goin'?"
I saw my brother

Time has changed my face
Then I recognized me
Would you like to see me
It said if you come back
Received a letter from overseas
It will have its way on you
Time will not stop
Turn the page
Time fills the pages

Remember words were said
Do remember,
But one thing I
Not much come back
Time gone by
Try to think back

Relevant Tags:
TTime GGone BBy ime one y iTme oGne yB fime hone vy fTime hGone vBy Tfime Ghone Bvy 5ime yone gy 5Time yGone gBy T5ime Gyone Bgy
hime bone ny hTime bGone nBy Thime Gbone Bny yime vone hy yTime vGone hBy Tyime Gvone Bhy 6ime fone Byy 6Time fGone B T6ime Gfone By
gime tone Bg gTime tGone Tgime Gtone Byg rime Goone Bh rTime Gne Trime Gnoe Byh Tiime Gkne B6 Tme Gkone B6y Tmie Gokne By6
Tjme G9ne Bu Tjime G9one Buy Tijme Go9ne Byu T9me G0ne B7 T9ime G0one B7y Ti9me Go0ne By7 Tlme Glne Bj Tlime Glone Bjy Tilme Golne Byj
Tome Gine Bt Toime Gione Bty Tiome Goine Byt Tkme Gonne Tkime Goe

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