Hundred Reasons
Feed The Fire

Now I seem to forget
And wonder why
This is So negated
Bide the time
Take it in
But it's so overrated now
But it's fine
So you always beg for more
And you were never satisified
So you always beg for more

Your heroes died
To get out of your way
Feed the fire
Same as always

Your heroes died
To get out of your way
Feed the fire
Same as always now

Did you need me to think
If it's all true
That I am always goaded
To lead the blind
Is all you know
As it's so familiar now
But it's fine
You always beg for more
And you are never satisified
So you always beg for more

Your heroes died
To get out of your way
Feed the fire
Same as always

Your heroes died
To get out of your way
Feed the fire
Same as always now

And still you learn
To take time over whoever you kill
And still you learn
To take time over whoever you kill
And still you learn
To take time over whoever you kill
And still you learn
But you'll burn

Your heroes died
To get out of your way
Feed the fire
Same as always

Your heroes died
To get out of your way
Feed the fire
Same as always

Feed the fire
Same as always
Same as always
Same as always now

Mirror lyrics:

Same as always now
Same as always
Same as always
Feed the fire

Same as always
Feed the fire
To get out of your way
Your heroes died

Same as always
Feed the fire
To get out of your way
Your heroes died

But you'll burn
And still you learn
To take time over whoever you kill
And still you learn
To take time over whoever you kill
And still you learn
To take time over whoever you kill
And still you learn

Same as always now
Feed the fire
To get out of your way
Your heroes died

Same as always
Feed the fire
To get out of your way
Your heroes died

So you always beg for more
And you are never satisified
You always beg for more
But it's fine
As it's so familiar now
Is all you know
To lead the blind
That I am always goaded
If it's all true
Did you need me to think

Same as always now
Feed the fire
To get out of your way
Your heroes died

Same as always
Feed the fire
To get out of your way
Your heroes died

So you always beg for more
And you were never satisified
So you always beg for more
But it's fine
But it's so overrated now
Take it in
Bide the time
This is So negated
And wonder why
Now I seem to forget

Relevant Tags:
FFeed TThe FFire eed he ire eFed hTe iFre ceed fhe cire cFeed fThe cFire Fceed Tfhe Fcire reed 5he rire rFeed 5The rFire Freed T5he Frire
geed hhe gire gFeed hThe gFire Fgeed Thhe Fgire teed yhe tire tFeed yThe tFire Fteed Tyhe Ftire veed 6he vire vFeed 6The vFire Fveed T6he Fvire
deed ghe dire dFeed gThe dFire Fdeed Tghe Fdire Feeed rhe Fiire Fed rThe Fre Feed Trhe Frie Fsed Fjre Fseed Te Fjire Fesed Teh Fijre
F3ed Tje F9re F3eed Tjhe F9ire Fe3ed Thje Fi9re Ffed Tue Flre Ffeed Tuhe Flire Fefed Thue Filre Fred Tne Fore Tnhe Foire Fered Thne Fiore
F4ed Tbe Fkre F4eed Tbhe Fkire Fe4ed Thbe Fikre Fded Tge F8re F8ire Feded Thge Fi8re Fwed Tye Fure Fweed Fuire

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