Human Waste Project
One Night In Spain

Oh quick you, look at me,
and it all just dissapears,
What is this? its my faith,
and it's spilled all over you,
as I relax,
and breath your name,
like I did in high,
I go ahead and lie to you,
'cause borrowed is this time,

I cracked, faded, gone...

You see my all spilling,
it's on the floor 12 stories high,
as I watch you wreck yourself,
and it's over nothing,
cause I could be,
your anything,
but still I'm never younger,
I go ahead, and lie to you,
cause borrowed is this time,

We are perfect when we lie,
we're always loosing,
lets go home...
It's over...
Over, Over,

Remember this, I always kept,
a little something to myself,
and now I can't breath your name,
Im giving up that something,
I go ahead, and lie to you,
'cause borrowed is this time...

We are perfect, when we lie,
we're always loosing,
lets go home,

I cracked, faded, gone...
I cracked, faded, gone.

Come on, I'm waiting
I'm waiting for you,
None of this is real, just remember cause none of this is real...

Cause we are perfect when we lie,
we're always loosing lets just go home high,
We are perfect when we lie,
we're always loosing,
lets go home...

Its Over, Over Over...


Mirror lyrics:


Its Over, Over Over...

lets go home...
we're always loosing,
We are perfect when we lie,
we're always loosing lets just go home high,
Cause we are perfect when we lie,

None of this is real, just remember cause none of this is real...
I'm waiting for you,
Come on, I'm waiting

I cracked, faded, gone.
I cracked, faded, gone...

lets go home,
we're always loosing,
We are perfect, when we lie,

'cause borrowed is this time...
I go ahead, and lie to you,
Im giving up that something,
and now I can't breath your name,
a little something to myself,
Remember this, I always kept,

Over, Over,
It's over...
lets go home...
we're always loosing,
We are perfect when we lie,

cause borrowed is this time,
I go ahead, and lie to you,
but still I'm never younger,
your anything,
cause I could be,
and it's over nothing,
as I watch you wreck yourself,
it's on the floor 12 stories high,
You see my all spilling,

I cracked, faded, gone...

'cause borrowed is this time,
I go ahead and lie to you,
like I did in high,
and breath your name,
as I relax,
and it's spilled all over you,
What is this? its my faith,
and it all just dissapears,
Oh quick you, look at me,

Relevant Tags:
OOne NNight IIn SSpain ne ight n pain nOe iNght nI pSain kne might jn zpain kOne mNight jIn zSpain Okne Nmight Ijn Szpain
9ne hight 9n wpain 9One hNight 9In wSpain O9ne Nhight I9n Swpain 0ne jight ln dpain 0One jNight lIn dSpain O0ne Njight Iln Sdpain
lne bight on epain lOne bNight oIn eSpain Olne Nbight Ion Sepain ine Niight kn xpain iOne Nght kIn xSpain Oine Ngiht Ikn Sxpain
Onne Njght 8n apain Oe 8In aSpain Oen Nijght I8n Sapain Ome N9ght un Sppain Omne N9ight uIn Sain Onme Ni9ght Iun Sapin
Ohe Nlght Inn S0ain Ohne Nlight I S0pain Onhe Nilght In Sp0ain Oje Noght Im Slain Ojne Noight Imn Slpain Onje Nioght Inm Splain
Obe Nkght Ih Soain Obne Nkight Ihn Sopain Onbe Nikght Inh Spoain Onee N8ght Ij Spaain On N8ight Spin One Ni8ght Inj Spian
Ons Nught Ib Spzin Onse Nuight Ibn Spzain Ones Niught Inb Spazin On3 Nigght Spqin On3e Niht Spqain One3 Nihgt Spaqin
Onf Nihht Spsin Onfe Nihght Spsain Onef Nighht Spasin Onr Niyht Spwin Onre Niyght Spwain Oner Nigyht Spawin
On4 Nibht Spxin

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