Holy Soldier
Tuesday Mourning

Mama, ooh

Mama, ooh


Staring into the shadows,

lying there, gripped with fear,

but you made the monsters disappear

Mama don't you leave me on my own.

How could the angels lead you

so far from your home?


How I wish for yesterday...

Tell me it will be OK.

But I miss you still today, oh


Tears are falling from the skies..

I know you wouldn't want me to cry,

But you never said "goodbye" oh,



Mama life just isn't fair.

You gave me all the life you had,

you know I really cared.

Mama if I could just go back in time

I'd say the things I never said:

You were gentle, you were kind.




Mirror lyrics:




You were gentle, you were kind.

I'd say the things I never said:

Mama if I could just go back in time

you know I really cared.

You gave me all the life you had,

Mama life just isn't fair.



But you never said "goodbye" oh,

I know you wouldn't want me to cry,

Tears are falling from the skies..


But I miss you still today, oh

Tell me it will be OK.

How I wish for yesterday...


so far from your home?

How could the angels lead you

Mama don't you leave me on my own.

but you made the monsters disappear

lying there, gripped with fear,

Staring into the shadows,


Mama, ooh

Mama, ooh

Relevant Tags:
TTuesday MMourning uesday ourning uTesday oMurning fuesday journing fTuesday jMourning Tfuesday Mjourning 5uesday kourning
5Tuesday kMourning T5uesday Mkourning huesday nourning hTuesday nMourning Thuesday Mnourning yuesday Moourning yTuesday Murning
Tyuesday Muorning 6uesday Mkurning 6Tuesday T6uesday Mokurning guesday M9urning gTuesday M9ourning Tguesday Mo9urning
ruesday M0urning rTuesday M0ourning Truesday Mo0urning Tuuesday Mlurning Tesday Mlourning Teusday Molurning Thesday Miurning
Miourning Tuhesday Moiurning T7esday Mouurning T7uesday Morning Tu7esday Moruning Tkesday Mohrning Tkuesday Mohurning
Tukesday Mouhrning Tiesday Mo7rning Tiuesday Mo7urning Tuiesday Mou7rning T8esday Mokrning T8uesday Tu8esday Moukrning
Tjesday Moirning Tjuesday Tujesday Mouirning Tyesday Mo8rning Mo8urning Tuyesday Mou8rning Tueesday Mojrning
Tusday Mojurning Tuseday Moujrning Tussday Moyrning Tusesday Moyurning Tuessday Mouyrning Tu3sday Mourrning Tu3esday Mouning
Tue3sday Mounring Tufsday Moudning Tufesday Moudrning Tuefsday Mourdning Tursday Mou4ning Turesday Mou4rning Tuersday Mour4ning
Tu4sday Mougning Tu4esday Mougrning Tue4sday Mourgning Tudsday Moutning Tudesday Moutrning Tuedsday Mourtning Tuwsday Mou5ning
Tuwesday Mou5rning Tuewsday Mour5ning Moufning

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