Holly Palmer
Did Your Mama (the Nurse Song)



If you don't mind me saying

You're not the most patient patient

Now just be patient

'Cause if you don't stop your game playing

I will be forced to turn your ass in....side out

And sign out

Just hold still

Just keep quiet

Did your mama tell you not to lie?

Did your mama ever make you cry?

Did your mama ever take care of you like this?

'Cause we could be effective

If you treat my treatment right

Or you're gonna get it

'Cause you're gonna get it

If you just keep still

Keep me quiet

Did your mama tell you not to lie?

Did your mama ever make you cry?

Did your mama ever take care of you like this?

Oh, oh wow. Oh gosh okay you're feeling.
..I'm...so happy you're out of the coma.
Yeah. Umm... no I...I have plans,
I can't. Uh, well yeah actually I met I.
..okay this is really awkward.
I hooked up with your father,
okay? You were asleep, we were waiting for you to wake
up, we were so upset and and and he came on really
strong and at first I said no but then we went for
a walk and I just couldn't help myself you know but...he's
really something you know?
You're really lucky to have him in your life okay and
um...here's a pass to the cafeteria,
I'm sure you're hungry and um there's your things and
uh...baby, bon appetite!

Did your mama tell you not to lie?

Did your mama ever make you cry?

Did your mama ever take care of you like this?

Did your mama ever take care of you like this?

Did your mama ever take care of you like this?

Did your mama ever take care of you like this?

Mirror lyrics:

Did your mama ever take care of you like this?

Did your mama ever take care of you like this?

Did your mama ever take care of you like this?

Did your mama ever take care of you like this?

Did your mama ever make you cry?

Did your mama tell you not to lie?

uh...baby, bon appetite!
I'm sure you're hungry and um there's your things and
um...here's a pass to the cafeteria,
You're really lucky to have him in your life okay and
really something you know?
a walk and I just couldn't help myself you know but...he's
strong and at first I said no but then we went for
up, we were so upset and and and he came on really
okay? You were asleep, we were waiting for you to wake
I hooked up with your father,
..okay this is really awkward.
I can't. Uh, well yeah actually I met I.
Yeah. Umm... no I...I have plans,
..I'm...so happy you're out of the coma.
Oh, oh wow. Oh gosh okay you're feeling.

Did your mama ever take care of you like this?

Did your mama ever make you cry?

Did your mama tell you not to lie?

Keep me quiet

If you just keep still

'Cause you're gonna get it

Or you're gonna get it

If you treat my treatment right

'Cause we could be effective

Did your mama ever take care of you like this?

Did your mama ever make you cry?

Did your mama tell you not to lie?

Just keep quiet

Just hold still

And sign out

I will be forced to turn your ass in....side out

'Cause if you don't stop your game playing

Now just be patient

You're not the most patient patient

If you don't mind me saying



Relevant Tags:
DDid YYour MMama ((the NNurse SSong) id our ama the urse ong) iDd oYur aMma t(he uNrse oSng) xid gour jama (tthe murse zong) xDid gYour jMama (he mNurse zSong)
Dxid Ygour Mjama (hte Nmurse Szong) eid hour kama (fhe hurse wong) eDid hYour kMama (fthe hNurse wSong) Deid Yhour Mkama (tfhe Nhurse Swong) fid 6our nama (5he jurse dong)
fDid 6Your nMama (5the jNurse dSong) Dfid Y6our Mnama (t5he Njurse Sdong) rid uour Maama (hhe burse eong) rDid uYour Mma (hthe bNurse eSong) Drid Yuour Mmaa (thhe Nburse Seong)
cid 7our Mzma (yhe Nuurse xong) cDid 7Your Mzama (ythe Nrse xSong) Dcid Y7our Mazma (tyhe Nruse Sxong) sid jour Mqma (6he Nhrse aong) sDid jYour Mqama (6the aSong)
Dsid Yjour Maqma (t6he Nuhrse Saong) Diid tour Msma (ghe N7rse Soong) Dd tYour Msama (gthe N7urse Sng) Ddi Ytour Masma (tghe Nu7rse Snog) Djd Yoour Mwma (rhe Nkrse Skng)
Djid Yur Mwama (rthe Nkurse Skong) Dijd Yuor Mawma (trhe Nukrse Sokng) D9d Ykur Mxma Nirse S9ng) D9id Ykour Mxama (te Niurse S9ong) Di9d Yokur Maxma (teh Nuirse So9ng)
Dld Y9ur Mamma (tje N8rse S0ng) Dlid Y9our Maa (tjhe N8urse S0ong) Dild Yo9ur Maam (thje Nu8rse So0ng) Dod Y0ur Maja (tue Njrse Slng) Doid Y0our Majma (tuhe Slong)
Diod Yo0ur Mamja (thue Nujrse Solng) Dkd Ylur Maka (tne Nyrse Sing) Dkid Ylour Makma (tnhe Nyurse Siong) Dikd Yolur Mamka (thne Nuyrse Soing) D8d Yiur Mana (tbe Nurrse Sonng)
D8id Yiour Manma (tbhe Nuse Sog) Di8d Yoiur Mamna (thbe Nusre Sogn) Dud Youur Mamaa (tge Nudse Somg) Duid Yor Mam Nudrse Somng) Diud Yoru Mama (thge Nurdse Sonmg)
Didd Yohr Mamz (tye Nu4se Sohg) Di Yohur Mamza Nu4rse Sohng) Did Youhr Mamaz (thye Nur4se Sonhg) Dix Yo7r Mamq (thee Nugse Sojg) Dixd Yo7ur Mamqa (th Nugrse Sojng)

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