Holly Mcnarland
The Box

I had a box
A box that could talk
We looked inside and found
A yellow ribbon
So i took that box
For a long, long walk
And we had a talk
And went to look for a friend

And i had to eat you

We went shopping
The whole while talking
We fell upon a little egg
And the egg started talking

Could this be true
Have i really found you
To stop this box from talking
Well i must eat you

And i had to eat you
Have i really found you

The egg is terrified
But not to my surprise
But i had to stop him
This box from talking

So i said goodbye
And i see you both next time
And i'll be along my way
But the ribbons will always stay

And i had to eat you
Have i really found you

Mirror lyrics:

Have i really found you
And i had to eat you

But the ribbons will always stay
And i'll be along my way
And i see you both next time
So i said goodbye

This box from talking
But i had to stop him
But not to my surprise
The egg is terrified

Have i really found you
And i had to eat you

Well i must eat you
To stop this box from talking
Have i really found you
Could this be true

And the egg started talking
We fell upon a little egg
The whole while talking
We went shopping

And i had to eat you

And went to look for a friend
And we had a talk
For a long, long walk
So i took that box
A yellow ribbon
We looked inside and found
A box that could talk
I had a box

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBox he ox hTe oBx fhe vox fThe vBox Tfhe Bvox 5he gox 5The gBox T5he Bgox hhe nox hThe nBox
Thhe Bnox yhe hox yThe hBox Tyhe Bhox 6he Boox 6The Bx T6he Bxo ghe Bkx gThe Bkox Tghe Bokx rhe B9x
rThe B9ox Trhe Bo9x B0x Te B0ox Teh Bo0x Tje Blx Tjhe Blox Thje Bolx Tue Bix Tuhe Biox Thue Boix

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