Holly Golightly
My Love Is

My Love, my love is a mountain side
So firm, so firm it can comb the tide
My love for you is a mountain side
Stand so firm it can comb the tide
That's why my love, my love is a mountain side

My love, my love is an ocean's roll
So strong, so strong that I can't let you go
My love for you is an ocean's roll
Grows so strong that I can't let you go
That's why my love, my love is an ocean's roll

My love is longer than forever
Endless as the march of time
99 years after never
In my heart you'll still be mine

Cause my love, my love is a deep blue sea
So deep, so deep that I'll never be free
My love for you is a deep blue sea
Grown so strong that I'll never be free
That's why my love, my love is a deep blue sea
My love, my love is a deep blue sea
My love, my love is a deep blue sea
My love, my love is a deep blue sea

Mirror lyrics:

My love, my love is a deep blue sea
My love, my love is a deep blue sea
My love, my love is a deep blue sea
That's why my love, my love is a deep blue sea
Grown so strong that I'll never be free
My love for you is a deep blue sea
So deep, so deep that I'll never be free
Cause my love, my love is a deep blue sea

In my heart you'll still be mine
99 years after never
Endless as the march of time
My love is longer than forever

That's why my love, my love is an ocean's roll
Grows so strong that I can't let you go
My love for you is an ocean's roll
So strong, so strong that I can't let you go
My love, my love is an ocean's roll

That's why my love, my love is a mountain side
Stand so firm it can comb the tide
My love for you is a mountain side
So firm, so firm it can comb the tide
My Love, my love is a mountain side

Relevant Tags:
MMy LLove IIs y ove s yM oLve sI jy kove js jMy kLove jIs Mjy Lkove Ijs ky oove 9s kMy oLove 9Is Mky Loove I9s ny pove ls nMy pLove lIs
Mny Lpove Ils Myy os M Lve oIs My Lvoe Ios Mg Lkve ks Mgy kIs Myg Lokve Iks Mh L9ve 8s Mhy L9ove 8Is Myh Lo9ve I8s M6 L0ve us
M6y L0ove uIs My6 Lo0ve Ius Mu Llve Iss Muy Llove I Myu Lolve Is M7 Live Iz M7y Liove Izs My7 Loive Isz Mj Lovve Iw Loe Iws Myj Loev Isw

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