Holly Dunn
No One Takes The Train Anymore

If you take the train when you leave me
I'll stand on the platform and make sure you see me
By the time you get a seat and roll on down the track
You just might change your mind, get off and come on back.

But no one takes the train anymore
No one takes the train anymore
When you really wanna go
The railway is too slow
No one takes the train anymore.

If you walk away when you leave me
I'll tell you that you're mine and make you believe me
By the time you reach the gate and turn onto the road
I know you'd change your mind and decide you shouldn't go.

But no one walks away anymore
No one walks away anymore
When the moment has arrived
It's easier to drive
Yes, no one walks away anymore

--- Instrumental ---

If you sail to sea when you leave me
I'll call out your name and tell you you need me
By the time you set the sails and fin'ly put to sea
You'll have to change your mind about wanting to be free

But no one sails to sea anymore
No one sails the sea anymore
When you wanna say goodbye
It's faster now to fly
So no one sails to sea anymore.

Ohh, no one walks away anymore
There won't be the time
For me to change your mind
'Cause no one takes the train anymore
No one takes the train anymore...

Mirror lyrics:

No one takes the train anymore...
'Cause no one takes the train anymore
For me to change your mind
There won't be the time
Ohh, no one walks away anymore

So no one sails to sea anymore.
It's faster now to fly
When you wanna say goodbye
No one sails the sea anymore
But no one sails to sea anymore

You'll have to change your mind about wanting to be free
By the time you set the sails and fin'ly put to sea
I'll call out your name and tell you you need me
If you sail to sea when you leave me

--- Instrumental ---

Yes, no one walks away anymore
It's easier to drive
When the moment has arrived
No one walks away anymore
But no one walks away anymore

I know you'd change your mind and decide you shouldn't go.
By the time you reach the gate and turn onto the road
I'll tell you that you're mine and make you believe me
If you walk away when you leave me

No one takes the train anymore.
The railway is too slow
When you really wanna go
No one takes the train anymore
But no one takes the train anymore

You just might change your mind, get off and come on back.
By the time you get a seat and roll on down the track
I'll stand on the platform and make sure you see me
If you take the train when you leave me

Relevant Tags:
NNo OOne TTakes TThe TTrain AAnymore o ne akes he rain nymore oN nOe aTkes hTe rTain nAymore mo kne fakes fhe frain znymore mNo kOne fTakes fThe fTrain zAnymore
Nmo Okne Tfakes Tfhe Tfrain Aznymore ho 9ne 5akes 5he 5rain qnymore hNo 9One 5Takes 5The 5Train qAnymore Nho O9ne T5akes T5he T5rain Aqnymore jo 0ne hakes hhe hrain snymore
jNo 0One hTakes hThe hTrain sAnymore Njo O0ne Thakes Thhe Thrain Asnymore bo lne yakes yhe yrain wnymore bNo lOne yTakes yThe yTrain wAnymore Nbo Olne Tyakes Tyhe Tyrain Awnymore
Noo ine 6akes 6he 6rain xnymore N iOne 6Takes 6The 6Train xAnymore No Oine T6akes T6he T6rain Axnymore Nk Onne gakes ghe grain Annymore Nko Oe gTakes gThe gTrain Aymore
Nok Oen Tgakes Tghe Tgrain Aynmore N9 Ome rakes rhe rrain Amymore N9o Omne rTakes rThe rTrain Amnymore No9 Onme Trakes Trhe Trrain Anmymore N0 Ohe Taakes Ahymore
N0o Ohne Tkes Te Tain Ahnymore No0 Onhe Tkaes Teh Tarin Anhymore Nl Oje Tzkes Tje Tdain Ajymore Nlo Ojne Tzakes Tjhe Tdrain Ajnymore Nol Onje Tazkes Thje Trdain Anjymore
Ni Obe Tqkes Tue T4ain Abymore Nio Obne Tqakes Tuhe T4rain Abnymore Noi Onbe Taqkes Thue Tr4ain Anbymore Onee Tskes Tne Tgain Anyymore On Tsakes Tnhe Anmore
One Taskes Thne Trgain Anmyore Ons Twkes Tbe Ttain Angmore Onse Twakes Tbhe Ttrain Angymore Ones Tawkes Thbe Trtain Anygmore On3 Txkes Tge T5ain Anhmore
On3e Txakes One3 Taxkes Thge Tr5ain Anyhmore Onf Takkes Tye Tfain An6more Onfe Taes An6ymore Onef Taeks Thye Trfain Any6more
Onr Tales Thee Teain Anumore Onre Talkes Th Terain Anuymore Oner Takles The Treain Anyumore On4 Taoes Ths Traain An7more On4e Taokes Thse Trin An7ymore
One4 Takoes Thes Trian Any7more Ond Tames Th3 Trzin Anjmore Onde Tamkes Th3e Trzain Oned Takmes The3 Trazin Anyjmore Onw Tajes Thf Trqin Antmore
Onwe Tajkes Thfe Trqain Antymore Onew Takjes Thef Traqin Anytmore Taies Thr Trsin Anymmore Taikes Thre Trsain Anyore Takies Ther Trasin Anyomre
Takees Th4 Trwin Anyjore Taks Th4e Trwain Takse The4 Trawin Anymjore

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