Holly Dunn
I'm Not Through Loving You Yet

(Chris Waters - Tom Shapiro - Holly Dunn)

You've got that lookin' around look in your eye
You've got a restless ache you wanna satisfy
But while you're thinkin' about who you could love
You'd better keep in mind just what you're giving up
Stop acting like you've already left I'm not through loving you yet.

Don't you turn your back don't you act like that
Don't do anything you'd regret
I'm telling you boy
If you're thinking free think differently
And never forget I'm not through loving you yet.

--- Instrumental ---

Just cause there's someone out there you haven't tried
Don't mean that what you want is what you're gonna find
I've always taken you where you wanna be
So don't go somewhere else for what you've got with me
I'll show you I meant it when I said I'm not through loving you yet.

Don't you turn your back don't you act like that
Don't do anything you'd regret
I'm telling you boy
If you're thinking free think differently
And never forget I'm not through loving you yet.

--- Instrumental ---

I'll show you I meant it when I said I'm not through loving you yet
Don't you turn your back don't you act like that...

Mirror lyrics:

Don't you turn your back don't you act like that...
I'll show you I meant it when I said I'm not through loving you yet

--- Instrumental ---

And never forget I'm not through loving you yet.
If you're thinking free think differently
I'm telling you boy
Don't do anything you'd regret
Don't you turn your back don't you act like that

I'll show you I meant it when I said I'm not through loving you yet.
So don't go somewhere else for what you've got with me
I've always taken you where you wanna be
Don't mean that what you want is what you're gonna find
Just cause there's someone out there you haven't tried

--- Instrumental ---

And never forget I'm not through loving you yet.
If you're thinking free think differently
I'm telling you boy
Don't do anything you'd regret
Don't you turn your back don't you act like that

Stop acting like you've already left I'm not through loving you yet.
You'd better keep in mind just what you're giving up
But while you're thinkin' about who you could love
You've got a restless ache you wanna satisfy
You've got that lookin' around look in your eye

(Chris Waters - Tom Shapiro - Holly Dunn)

Relevant Tags:
II'm NNot TThrough LLoving YYou YYet 'm ot hrough oving ou et 'Im oNt hTrough oLving oYu eYt j'm mot fhrough koving gou get jI'm mNot fThrough kLoving gYou gYet
Ij'm Nmot Tfhrough Lkoving Ygou Yget 9'm hot 5hrough ooving hou het 9I'm hNot 5Through oLoving hYou hYet I9'm Nhot T5hrough Looving Yhou Yhet l'm jot hhrough poving 6ou 6et
lI'm jNot hThrough pLoving 6You 6Yet Il'm Njot Thhrough Lpoving Y6ou Y6et o'm bot yhrough uou uet oI'm bNot yThrough Lving uYou uYet Io'm Nbot Tyhrough Lvoing Yuou Yuet
k'm Noot 6hrough Lkving 7ou 7et kI'm Nt 6Through 7You 7Yet Ik'm Nto T6hrough Lokving Y7ou Y7et 8'm Nkt ghrough L9ving jou jet 8I'm Nkot gThrough L9oving jYou jYet
I8'm Nokt Tghrough Lo9ving Yjou Yjet u'm N9t rhrough L0ving tou tet uI'm N9ot rThrough L0oving tYou tYet Iu'm No9t Trhrough Lo0ving Ytou Ytet I''m N0t Llving Yoou Yeet
Im N0ot Trough Lloving Yu Yt Im' No0t Trhough Lolving Yuo Yte I'mm Nlt Tjrough Living Yku Yst I' Nlot Tjhrough Lioving Ykou Yset I'm Nolt Thjrough Loiving Yoku Yest
I'j Nit Turough Lovving Y9u Y3t I'jm Niot Tuhrough Loing Y9ou Y3et I'mj Noit Thurough Loivng Yo9u Ye3t I'k Nott Tnrough Lobing Y0u Yft I'km No Tnhrough Lobving Y0ou Yfet
I'mk Not Thnrough Lovbing Yo0u Yeft I'n Nof Tbrough Locing Ylu Yrt I'nm Noft Tbhrough Locving Ylou Yret I'mn Notf Thbrough Lovcing Yolu Yert No5 Tgrough Loging Yiu Y4t
No5t Logving Yiou Y4et Not5 Thgrough Lovging Yoiu Ye4t Noh Tyrough Lofing Youu Ydt Noht Lofving Yo Ydet Noth Thyrough Lovfing You Yedt
Noy Thrrough Loviing Yoh Ywt Noyt Though Lovng Yohu Ywet Noty Thorugh Lovnig Youh Yewt No6 Thdough Lovjng Yo7 Yett No6t Thdrough Lovjing Yo7u Ye
Not6 Thrdough Lovijng You7 Yet Nog Th4ough Lov9ng Yok Yef Nogt Th4rough Lov9ing Notg Thr4ough Lovi9ng Youk Yetf Nor Thgough Lovlng Yoi Ye5
Nort Lovling Ye5t Notr Thrgough Lovilng Youi Yet5 Thtough Lovong Yo8 Yeh Thtrough Lovoing Yo8u Yeht Thrtough Loviong You8 Yeth
Th5ough Lovkng Yoj Yey Th5rough Lovking Yoju Yeyt Thr5ough Lovikng Youj Yety Thfough Lov8ng Yoy Ye6 Thfrough Lov8ing Yoyu Ye6t
Thrfough Lovi8ng Youy Yet6 Theough Lovung Yeg Therough Lovuing Yegt Threough Loviung Yetg Throough Lovinng Yer
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