Holly Cole
Ev'rything I've Got (belongs To You)

I have eyes for you
To give you dirty looks.
I have words that do not come from
childrens books.
Theres a trick with a knife
That I'm learning to do.
And ev'rything I've got
Belongs to you

I've a powerful anesthesia in my fist.
And the perfest wrist
to give your neck a twist.
There are hammerlock holds,
Ive mastered a few.
And ev'rything I've got
Belongs to you.

Share for share
share alike.
You get struck each time I strike.
You for me
And me for you.
I'll give you plenty of nothing.
I'm not yours for better,
But for worse.
And I've learned to give
that well knowed witches curse.
I've a terrible toung,
A temper for two.
And ev'rything I've got
belongs to you.

Share for share
share alike.
You get struck each time I strike.
You for me
And me for you.
I'll give you plenty of nothing.
I'm not yours for better,
But for worse.
And I've learned to give
That well knowed witches curse.
I've a terrible toung,
A temper for two.
And ev'rything I've got
Belongs to you.

Ev'rything I've got belongs
Ev'rything I've got belongs
Ev'rything I've got belongs to you.

Mirror lyrics:

Ev'rything I've got belongs to you.
Ev'rything I've got belongs
Ev'rything I've got belongs

Belongs to you.
And ev'rything I've got
A temper for two.
I've a terrible toung,
That well knowed witches curse.
And I've learned to give
But for worse.
I'm not yours for better,
I'll give you plenty of nothing.
And me for you.
You for me
You get struck each time I strike.
share alike.
Share for share

belongs to you.
And ev'rything I've got
A temper for two.
I've a terrible toung,
that well knowed witches curse.
And I've learned to give
But for worse.
I'm not yours for better,
I'll give you plenty of nothing.
And me for you.
You for me
You get struck each time I strike.
share alike.
Share for share

Belongs to you.
And ev'rything I've got
Ive mastered a few.
There are hammerlock holds,
to give your neck a twist.
And the perfest wrist
I've a powerful anesthesia in my fist.

Belongs to you
And ev'rything I've got
That I'm learning to do.
Theres a trick with a knife
childrens books.
I have words that do not come from
To give you dirty looks.
I have eyes for you

Relevant Tags:
EEv'rything II've GGot ((belongs TTo YYou) v'rything 've ot belongs o ou) vE'rything 'Ive oGt b(elongs oT oYu) sv'rything j've hot (bbelongs fo gou)
sEv'rything jI've hGot (elongs fTo gYou) Esv'rything Ij've Ghot (eblongs Tfo Ygou) 3v'rything 9've yot (velongs 5o hou) 3Ev'rything 9I've yGot (vbelongs 5To hYou)
E3v'rything I9've Gyot (bvelongs T5o Yhou) fv'rything l've bot (gelongs ho 6ou) fEv'rything lI've bGot (gbelongs hTo 6You) Efv'rything Il've Gbot (bgelongs Tho Y6ou)
rv'rything o've vot (nelongs yo uou) rEv'rything oI've vGot (nbelongs yTo uYou) Erv'rything Io've Gvot (bnelongs Tyo Yuou) 4v'rything k've fot (helongs 6o 7ou)
4Ev'rything kI've fGot (hbelongs 6To 7You) E4v'rything Ik've Gfot (bhelongs T6o Y7ou) dv'rything 8've tot (beelongs go jou) dEv'rything 8I've tGot (blongs gTo jYou)
Edv'rything I8've Gtot (bleongs Tgo Yjou) wv'rything u've Goot (bslongs ro tou) wEv'rything uI've Gt (bselongs rTo tYou) Ewv'rything Iu've Gto (beslongs Tro Ytou)
Evv'rything I''ve Gkt (b3longs Too Yoou) E'rything Ive Gkot (b3elongs T Yu) E'vrything Iv'e Gokt (be3longs To Yuo) Eb'rything I'vve G9t (bflongs Tk Yku)
Ebv'rything I'e G9ot (bfelongs Tko Ykou) Evb'rything I'ev Go9t (beflongs Tok Yoku) Ec'rything I'be G0t (brlongs T9 Y9u) Ecv'rything I'bve G0ot (brelongs T9o Y9ou)
Evc'rything I'vbe Go0t (berlongs To9 Yo9u) Eg'rything I'ce Glt (b4longs T0 Y0u) Egv'rything I'cve Glot (b4elongs T0o Y0ou) Evg'rything I'vce Golt (be4longs To0 Yo0u)
Ef'rything I'ge Git (bdlongs Tl Ylu) I'gve Giot (bdelongs Tlo Ylou) Evf'rything I'vge Goit (bedlongs Tol Yolu) Ev''rything I'fe Gott (bwlongs Ti Yiu)
Evrything I'fve Go (bwelongs Tio Yiou) Evr'ything I'vfe Got (bewlongs Toi Yoiu) Ev'rrything I'vee Gof (bellongs Youu) Ev'ything I'v Goft (beongs Yo)
Ev'yrthing I've Gotf (beolngs Yo)u Ev'dything I'vs Go5 (bekongs Yoh) Ev'drything I'vse Go5t (beklongs Yohu) Ev'rdything I'ves Got5 (belkongs Youh)
Ev'4ything I'v3 Goh (beoongs Yo7) Ev'4rything I'v3e Goht (beolongs Yo7u) Ev'r4ything I've3 Goth (beloongs You7) Ev'gything I'vf Goy (bepongs Yok)
Ev'grything Goyt (beplongs Ev'rgything I'vef Goty (belpongs Youk) Ev'tything I'vr Go6 Yoi) Ev'trything I'vre Go6t (belngs
Ev'rtything I'ver Got6 (belnogs Youi) Ev'5ything I'v4 Gog (belkngs Yo8) Ev'5rything I'v4e Gogt Yo8u) Ev'r5ything I've4 Gotg (belokngs You8)
Ev'fything I'vd Gor (bel9ngs Yoj) Ev'frything I'vde Gort (bel9ongs Yoju) Ev'rfything I'ved Gotr (belo9ngs Youj) Ev'eything I'vw (bel0ngs Yoy)
Ev'erything I'vwe (bel0ongs Yoyu) Ev'reything I'vew (belo0ngs Youy) Ev'ryything (bellngs You)) Ev'rthing You
Ev'rtyhing (belolngs You) Ev'rgthing (belings (beliongs Ev'rygthing (beloings
Ev'rhthing (belonngs Ev'rhything (belogs Ev'ryhthing (belogns Ev'r6thing (belomgs
Ev'r6ything (belomngs Ev'ry6thing (belonmgs Ev'ruthing (belohgs Ev'ruything (belohngs
Ev'ryuthing (belonhgs Ev'r7thing (belojgs Ev'r7ything (belojngs Ev'ry7thing (belonjgs
Ev'rjthing (belobgs Ev'rjything (belobngs Ev'ryjthing (belonbgs Ev'rtthing (belonggs
(belons Ev'rytthing (belonsg

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