Herman's Hermits
Bus Stop

[Verse 1:]
Bus stop, wet day, she's there, I say
Please share my umbrella
Bus stop, bus goes, she stays, love grows
Under my umbrella
All that summer we enjoyed it
Wind and rain and shine
That umbrella, we employed it
By August, she was mine

Every morning I would see her waiting at the stop
Sometimes she'd shopped and she would show me what she bought
Other people stared as if we were both quite insane
Someday my name and hers are going to be the same

[Verse 2:]
That's the way the whole thing started
Silly but it's true
Thinkin' of a sweet romance
Beginning in a queue
Came the sun the ice was melting
No more sheltering now
Nice to think that that umbrella
Led me to a vow


[Verse 1]

Mirror lyrics:

[Verse 1]


Led me to a vow
Nice to think that that umbrella
No more sheltering now
Came the sun the ice was melting
Beginning in a queue
Thinkin' of a sweet romance
Silly but it's true
That's the way the whole thing started
[Verse 2:]

Someday my name and hers are going to be the same
Other people stared as if we were both quite insane
Sometimes she'd shopped and she would show me what she bought
Every morning I would see her waiting at the stop

By August, she was mine
That umbrella, we employed it
Wind and rain and shine
All that summer we enjoyed it
Under my umbrella
Bus stop, bus goes, she stays, love grows
Please share my umbrella
Bus stop, wet day, she's there, I say
[Verse 1:]

Relevant Tags:
BBus SStop us top uBs tSop vus ztop vBus zStop Bvus Sztop gus wtop gBus wStop Bgus Swtop nus dtop nBus dStop
Bnus Sdtop hus etop hBus eStop Bhus Setop Buus xtop Bs xStop Bsu Sxtop Bhs atop aStop Buhs Satop B7s Sttop
B7us Sop Bu7s Sotp Bks Sfop Bkus Sftop Buks Stfop Bis S5op Bius S5top Buis St5op B8s Shop B8us Shtop Bu8s Sthop
Bjs Syop Bjus Sytop Bujs Styop

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