I Can Go The Distance (movie Version)

I have often dreamed
Of a far-off place
Where a great warm welcome
Will be waiting for me
Where the crowds will cheer
When they see my face
And a voice keeps saying
This is where I'm meant to be

I will find my way
I can go the distance
I'll be there someday
If I can be strong
I know ev'ry mile
Will be worth my while
I would go most anywhere
to feel like I belong

I am on my way
I can go the distance
I don't care how far
Somehow I'll be strong
I know ev'ry mile
Will be worth my while
I will go most anywhere
to find where I belong


I will beat the odds
I can go the distance
I will face the world
Fearless, proud and strong
I will please the gods
I can go the distance
Till I find my hero's welcome
Right! where! I belong!

Mirror lyrics:

Right! where! I belong!
Till I find my hero's welcome
I can go the distance
I will please the gods
Fearless, proud and strong
I will face the world
I can go the distance
I will beat the odds


to find where I belong
I will go most anywhere
Will be worth my while
I know ev'ry mile
Somehow I'll be strong
I don't care how far
I can go the distance
I am on my way

to feel like I belong
I would go most anywhere
Will be worth my while
I know ev'ry mile
If I can be strong
I'll be there someday
I can go the distance
I will find my way

This is where I'm meant to be
And a voice keeps saying
When they see my face
Where the crowds will cheer
Will be waiting for me
Where a great warm welcome
Of a far-off place
I have often dreamed

Relevant Tags:
II CCan GGo TThe DDistance ((movie VVersion) an o he istance movie ersion) I aCn oG hTe iDstance m(ovie eVrsion)
j fan ho fhe xistance (mmovie bersion) jI fCan hGo fThe xDistance (ovie bVersion) Ij Cfan Gho Tfhe Dxistance (omvie Vbersion)
9 xan yo 5he eistance (jovie cersion) 9I xCan yGo 5The eDistance (jmovie cVersion) I9 Cxan Gyo T5he Deistance (mjovie Vcersion)
l van bo hhe fistance (kovie gersion) lI vCan bGo hThe fDistance (kmovie gVersion) Il Cvan Gbo Thhe Dfistance (mkovie Vgersion)
o dan vo yhe ristance (novie fersion) oI dCan vGo yThe rDistance (nmovie fVersion) Io Cdan Gvo Tyhe Dristance (mnovie Vfersion)
k Caan fo 6he cistance (moovie Veersion) kI Cn fGo 6The cDistance (mvie Vrsion) Ik Cna Gfo T6he Dcistance (mvoie Vresion)
8 Czn to ghe sistance (mkvie Vsrsion) 8I Czan tGo gThe sDistance Vsersion) I8 Cazn Gto Tghe Dsistance (mokvie Vesrsion)
u Cqn Goo rhe Diistance (m9vie V3rsion) uI Cqan G rThe Dstance (m9ovie V3ersion) Iu Caqn Go Trhe Dsitance (mo9vie Ve3rsion)
Csn Gk Djstance (m0vie Vfrsion) Csan Gko Te Djistance (m0ovie Casn Gok Teh Dijstance (mo0vie Vefrsion)
Cwn G9 Tje D9stance (mlvie Vrrsion) Cwan G9o Tjhe D9istance (mlovie Vrersion) Cawn Go9 Thje Di9stance (molvie Verrsion)
Cxn G0 Tue Dlstance (mivie V4rsion) G0o Tuhe Dlistance (miovie V4ersion) Caxn Go0 Thue Dilstance (moivie Ve4rsion)
Cann Gl Tne Dostance (movvie Vdrsion) Ca Glo Tnhe Doistance (moie Vdersion) Can Gol Thne Diostance (moive Vedrsion)
Cam Gi Tbe Dkstance (mobie Vwrsion) Camn Gio Tbhe Dkistance (mobvie Vwersion) Canm Goi Thbe Dikstance (movbie Vewrsion)
Cah Tge D8stance (mocie Cahn D8istance (mocvie Vesion) Canh Thge Di8stance (movcie Vesrion)
Caj Tye Dustance (mogie Vedsion) Cajn Duistance (mogvie Canj Thye Diustance (movgie Verdsion)
Cab Thee Disstance (mofie Ve4sion) Cabn Th Ditance (mofvie Canb The Ditsance (movfie Ver4sion)
Ths Diztance (moviie Vegsion) Thse Dizstance (move Vegrsion) Thes Disztance (movei Vergsion)
Th3 Diwtance (movje Vetsion) Th3e Diwstance (movjie Vetrsion) The3 Diswtance (movije Vertsion)
Thf Didtance (mov9e Ve5sion) Thfe Didstance (mov9ie Ve5rsion) Thef Disdtance (movi9e Ver5sion)
Thr Dietance (movle Vefsion) Thre Diestance (movlie Ther Disetance (movile Verfsion)
Th4 Dixtance (movoe Veesion) Th4e Dixstance (movoie The4 Disxtance (movioe Veresion)
Thd Diatance (movke Verssion) Thde Diastance (movkie Verion) Thed Disatance (movike Verison)
Thw Disttance (mov8e Verzion) Thwe Disance (mov8ie Verzsion) Thew Disatnce (movi8e Verszion)
Disfance (movue Verwion) Disftance (movuie Verwsion) Distfance (moviue Verswion)
Dis5ance (moviee Verdion) Dis5tance (movi Dist5ance (movie Versdion)
Dishance (movis Vereion) Dishtance (movise Disthance (movies Verseion)
Disyance (movi3 Verxion) Disytance (movi3e Verxsion)

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