Hey Mercedes
A List Actress

Roll film.

Sweat out heart
Perfect for the part
Part of me for all to see
I've blocked this scene
In everynight's dream
Camera cuts to close up
A-List actress
Messing up my line
Every time
Beautiful moves around.

There's a crew of cameras outside
They want a simple reason why
A headline
Inching up the drive
Can you imagine a better line (life) life.

Sweat out heart
Perfect for the apartment
Where we fell apart
Movie rain is just water in a pipe
Camera cuts to two-shot
A-List Actress
Messing up my mind
Every time
Beautiful moves around.

You're a cut above the clusless
In careful character for news
In league with alll things heavenly
What's a star to do.

Here in the real world
How does it feel.

Down down down
Comes calamity
Just because
Come and take a picture
Down down down
Comes recovery
Just because
Come and take a picture.

Spit out heart
Perfect for the catastrophe
I know I can be
Please tell me I am crazy
Are you crazy for me
A-List actress
Messing up my life
Every time.

Beautiful take

Mirror lyrics:

Beautiful take

Every time.
Messing up my life
A-List actress
Are you crazy for me
Please tell me I am crazy
I know I can be
Perfect for the catastrophe
Spit out heart

Come and take a picture.
Just because
Comes recovery
Down down down
Come and take a picture
Just because
Comes calamity
Down down down

How does it feel.
Here in the real world

What's a star to do.
In league with alll things heavenly
In careful character for news
You're a cut above the clusless

Beautiful moves around.
Every time
Messing up my mind
A-List Actress
Camera cuts to two-shot
Movie rain is just water in a pipe
Where we fell apart
Perfect for the apartment
Sweat out heart

Can you imagine a better line (life) life.
Inching up the drive
A headline
They want a simple reason why
There's a crew of cameras outside

Beautiful moves around.
Every time
Messing up my line
A-List actress
Camera cuts to close up
In everynight's dream
I've blocked this scene
Part of me for all to see
Perfect for the part
Sweat out heart

Roll film.

Relevant Tags:
AA LList AActress ist ctress A iLst cAtress z kist zctress zA kList zActress Az Lkist Azctress q oist qctress qA oList qActress
Aq Loist Aqctress s pist sctress sA pList sActress As Lpist Asctress w Liist wctress wA Lst wActress Aw Lsit Awctress x Ljst xctress
xA Ljist xActress Ax Lijst Axctress L9st Acctress L9ist Atress Li9st Atcress Llst Aftress Llist Afctress Lilst Acftress
Lost Axtress Liost Acxtress Lkst Avtress Avctress Likst Acvtress L8st Adtress L8ist Adctress Li8st Acdtress
Lust Acttress Luist Acress Liust Acrtess Lisst Acfress Lit Lits Actfress Lizt Ac5ress Lizst Ac5tress
Liszt Act5ress Liwt Achress Liwst Achtress Liswt Acthress Lidt Acyress Lidst Acytress Lisdt Actyress Liet Ac6ress
Liest Ac6tress Liset Act6ress Lixt Acgress Lixst Acgtress Lisxt Actgress Liat Acrress Liast Acrtress Lisat Actrress
Listt Lis Actess List Acterss Lisf Actdess

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