Right Before Your Eyes

When the door shuts don't worry about me
it's not attention that I want from you
I need you to trust who I'm gonna be
and in everything I'm going to do

Cuz I'm not afraid of what I don't know
for understanding is all that I earn
what is for sure is I'm going to go
I'm going to live and I'm going to learn...

And I know there will be mistakes that I will make...
but I know that none are worse than chances I don't take... take...

Right before your eyes I am changing... changing...
New life on the inside I am changing... changing...

When the door shuts
it shuts finally
a new person that I have become
I'll follow my heart to my destiny
the living in fear and the sorrow is done
there will be no more feeling that i'm all alone
I will surround myself with things that help me grow...

Right before your eyes I am changing... changing...
New life on the inside I am changing... changing...

Right before your eyes I am changing... changing...
New life on the inside I am changing... changing...(2x)

Right before your eyes...
Right before your eyes....

Mirror lyrics:

Right before your eyes....
Right before your eyes...

New life on the inside I am changing... changing...(2x)
Right before your eyes I am changing... changing...

New life on the inside I am changing... changing...
Right before your eyes I am changing... changing...

I will surround myself with things that help me grow...
there will be no more feeling that i'm all alone
the living in fear and the sorrow is done
I'll follow my heart to my destiny
a new person that I have become
it shuts finally
When the door shuts

New life on the inside I am changing... changing...
Right before your eyes I am changing... changing...

but I know that none are worse than chances I don't take... take...
And I know there will be mistakes that I will make...

I'm going to live and I'm going to learn...
what is for sure is I'm going to go
for understanding is all that I earn
Cuz I'm not afraid of what I don't know

and in everything I'm going to do
I need you to trust who I'm gonna be
it's not attention that I want from you
When the door shuts don't worry about me

Relevant Tags:
RRight BBefore YYour EEyes ight efore our yes iRght eBfore oYur yEes dight vefore gour syes dRight vBefore gYour sEyes Rdight Bvefore Ygour Esyes
4ight gefore hour 3yes 4Right gBefore hYour 3Eyes R4ight Bgefore Yhour E3yes gight nefore 6our fyes gRight nBefore 6Your fEyes Rgight Bnefore Y6our Efyes
tight hefore uour ryes tRight hBefore uYour rEyes Rtight Bhefore Yuour Eryes 5ight Beefore 7our 4yes 5Right Bfore 7Your 4Eyes R5ight Bfeore Y7our E4yes
fight Bsfore jour dyes fRight Bsefore jYour dEyes Rfight Besfore Yjour Edyes eight B3fore tour wyes eRight B3efore tYour wEyes Reight Be3fore Ytour Ewyes
Riight Bffore Yoour Eyyes Rght Bfefore Yur Ees Rgiht Beffore Yuor Eeys Rjght Brfore Ykur Eges Rjight Brefore Ykour Egyes Rijght Berfore Yokur Eyges
R9ght B4fore Y9ur Ehes R9ight B4efore Y9our Ehyes Ri9ght Be4fore Yo9ur Eyhes Rlght Bdfore Y0ur E6es Rlight Bdefore Y0our E6yes Rilght Bedfore Yo0ur Ey6es
Roght Bwfore Ylur Eues Roight Bwefore Ylour Euyes Rioght Bewfore Yolur Eyues Rkght Yiur E7es Rkight Beore Yiour E7yes Rikght Beofre Yoiur Ey7es
R8ght Becore Youur Ejes R8ight Becfore Yor Ejyes Ri8ght Befcore Yoru Eyjes Rught Berore Yohr Etes Ruight Yohur Etyes Riught Befrore Youhr Eytes
Rigght Begore Yo7r Eyees Riht Begfore Yo7ur Eys Rihgt Befgore You7r Eyse Rihht Betore Yokr Eyss Rihght Betfore Eyses Righht Beftore Youkr Eyess
Riyht Bevore Yoir Ey3s Riyght Bevfore Ey3es Rigyht Befvore Youir Eye3s Ribht Bedore Yo8r Eyfs Ribght Yo8ur Eyfes

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