The Wind And The Way

There is a thought to carry me, far away to set it free
There is a world that lies within, you will live it once you've been
Come follow the tale that is callin' you
I think it's the reason we're here
Fine was that summer in the Shire, read the words from in the fire
There's a change forevermore, like stepping through an open door
Yeah, go to a place they call Middle Earth
You'll never again be the same.
Live inside, a story that's deep and wide
We can play a concert on Durin's Day
Here's the ship, the wind, and the way.
There is a ship of fantasy, and it waits for you and me
In the story on the page, it's an epic for the age
Please, don't you awaken this dreamin'
Cause it's free, and it's takin' you there and beyond.
Can't you see? Get lost in the fantasy!
You and I, comin' up from the Greenway
For Tolkien is, the wind and the way . . .

Mirror lyrics:

For Tolkien is, the wind and the way . . .
You and I, comin' up from the Greenway
Can't you see? Get lost in the fantasy!
Cause it's free, and it's takin' you there and beyond.
Please, don't you awaken this dreamin'
In the story on the page, it's an epic for the age
There is a ship of fantasy, and it waits for you and me
Here's the ship, the wind, and the way.
We can play a concert on Durin's Day
Live inside, a story that's deep and wide
You'll never again be the same.
Yeah, go to a place they call Middle Earth
There's a change forevermore, like stepping through an open door
Fine was that summer in the Shire, read the words from in the fire
I think it's the reason we're here
Come follow the tale that is callin' you
There is a world that lies within, you will live it once you've been
There is a thought to carry me, far away to set it free

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TThe WWind AAnd TThe WWay he ind nd he ay hTe iWnd nAd hTe aWy fhe aind znd fhe aay fThe aWind zAnd fThe aWay Tfhe Waind Aznd Tfhe Waay
5he 3ind qnd 5he 3ay 5The 3Wind qAnd 5The 3Way T5he W3ind Aqnd T5he W3ay hhe dind snd hhe day hThe dWind sAnd hThe dWay Thhe Wdind Asnd Thhe Wday
yhe eind wnd yhe eay yThe eWind wAnd yThe eWay Tyhe Weind Awnd Tyhe Weay 6he sind xnd 6he say 6The sWind xAnd 6The sWay T6he Wsind Axnd T6he Wsay
ghe 2ind Annd ghe 2ay gThe 2Wind Ad gThe 2Way Tghe W2ind Adn Tghe W2ay rhe qind Amd rhe qay rThe qWind Amnd rThe qWay Trhe Wqind Anmd Trhe Wqay
Wiind Ahd Te Wnd Ahnd Te Wy Teh Wnid Anhd Teh Wya Tje Wjnd Ajd Tje Wzy Tjhe Wjind Ajnd Tjhe Wzay Thje Wijnd Anjd Thje Wazy
Tue W9nd Abd Tue Wqy Tuhe W9ind Abnd Tuhe Thue Wi9nd Anbd Thue Waqy Tne Wlnd Andd Tne Wsy Tnhe Wlind An Tnhe Thne Wilnd And Thne Wasy
Tbe Wond Anx Tbe Wwy Tbhe Woind Anxd Tbhe Wway Thbe Wiond Andx Thbe Wawy Tge Wknd Ane Tge Wxy Wkind Aned Wxay Thge Wiknd Ande Thge Waxy

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