Hillsongs Darlene Zschech
People Just Like Us

Every nation power and tongue
will bow down to your name
Every eye will see
Every ear will hear your name proclaimed

And this is gonna be our cry
until you come again
Jesus is the only name
By which man can be saved

All over the world people just like us
Are calling your name
Living in your love
All over the world people just like us
Are following Jesus

(repeat from top)

We're worshipping Jesus
We're following Jesus
We're worshipping Jesus
We're calling on Jesus

Makes you wanna dance (echo)
Makes you wanna sing (echo)
Makes you wanna shout all about it
shout all about it,
shout it that Jesus is king


Mirror lyrics:


shout it that Jesus is king
shout all about it,
Makes you wanna shout all about it
Makes you wanna sing (echo)
Makes you wanna dance (echo)

We're calling on Jesus
We're worshipping Jesus
We're following Jesus
We're worshipping Jesus

(repeat from top)

Are following Jesus
All over the world people just like us
Living in your love
Are calling your name
All over the world people just like us

By which man can be saved
Jesus is the only name
until you come again
And this is gonna be our cry

Every ear will hear your name proclaimed
Every eye will see
will bow down to your name
Every nation power and tongue

Relevant Tags:
PPeople JJust LLike UUs eople ust ike s ePople uJst iLke sU 0eople kust kike hs 0People kJust kLike hUs P0eople Jkust Lkike Uhs
leople iust oike 7s lPeople iJust oLike 7Us Pleople Jiust Loike U7s oeople must pike ks oPeople mJust pLike kUs Poeople Jmust Lpike Uks
Peeople nust Liike is Pople nJust Lke iUs Poeple Jnust Lkie Uis Psople hust Ljke 8s Pseople hJust Ljike 8Us Pesople Jhust Lijke U8s
P3ople uust L9ke js P3eople uJust L9ike jUs Pe3ople Juust Li9ke Ujs Pfople Llke ys Pfeople Jst Llike yUs Pefople Jsut Lilke Uys
Prople Jhst Loke Uss Preople U Perople Juhst Lioke Us P4ople J7st Lkke Uz P4eople J7ust Uzs Pe4ople Ju7st Likke Usz
Pdople Jkst L8ke Uw Pdeople L8ike Uws Pedople Jukst Li8ke Usw Pwople Jist Luke Ud Pweople Luike Uds Pewople Juist Liuke Usd
Peoople J8st Ue Peple J8ust Lie Ues Pepole Ju8st Liek Use Pekple Jjst Lile Ux Pekople Jjust Uxs Peokple Jujst Likle Usx
Pe9ple Jyst Lioe Ua Pe9ople Jyust Uas Peo9ple Juyst Likoe Usa Pe0ple Jusst Lime Pe0ople Jut Limke Peo0ple Juts Likme

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