Song Away

Make me a deal and make it good for me
I wont get full of myself, 'cause I cant afford to be
This is small town music, this is big town music
He's ahead of his time you know but, he cant use it
If only he could prove it

Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away
Its just a song away


See what your man has done to the world
See what the world has done to your man
You know I'm leaving you, you don't need me
Lovin' you wasn't always so easy

This is believe me music, this is forget me music
This is who can love me you know, this ain't no roxy music
This is new form music, this is old form music
This is I paid attention not some makes his prediction music
Oh he could let me use it

Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away
Its just a song away

I'm gonna write a truthful song over an eighties groove
I'd like to let you know I'll always be straight with you
I stole my personality from an anonymous source
And I'm gonna pay for it too, I don't feel bad about that
Give me my chance back

This is on the rise music, this is novelty music
This is who can blame music, I don't get fooled by it
This is where'd you go music, this is come home music
This is down to the wire, I'm such a perfect angel music.
Who really tries

Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away
Its just a song away

This is success music and whats it to you?
My lawyer always says these are the fact about the future well

Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away

Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away
Its just a song away.

Mirror lyrics:

Its just a song away.
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away

Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away

My lawyer always says these are the fact about the future well
This is success music and whats it to you?

Its just a song away
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away

Who really tries
This is down to the wire, I'm such a perfect angel music.
This is where'd you go music, this is come home music
This is who can blame music, I don't get fooled by it
This is on the rise music, this is novelty music

Give me my chance back
And I'm gonna pay for it too, I don't feel bad about that
I stole my personality from an anonymous source
I'd like to let you know I'll always be straight with you
I'm gonna write a truthful song over an eighties groove

Its just a song away
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away

Oh he could let me use it
This is I paid attention not some makes his prediction music
This is new form music, this is old form music
This is who can love me you know, this ain't no roxy music
This is believe me music, this is forget me music

Lovin' you wasn't always so easy
You know I'm leaving you, you don't need me
See what the world has done to your man
See what your man has done to the world


Its just a song away
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away
Tomorrow's just a song away, a song away, a song away

If only he could prove it
He's ahead of his time you know but, he cant use it
This is small town music, this is big town music
I wont get full of myself, 'cause I cant afford to be
Make me a deal and make it good for me

Relevant Tags:
SSong AAway ong way oSng wAay zong zway zSong zAway Szong Azway wong qway wSong qAway Swong Aqway dong sway dSong sAway
Sdong Asway eong wway eSong wAway Seong Awway xong xway xSong xAway Sxong Axway aong aSong Aay Saong Aawy Soong Aaay
Sng Aaway Snog Awaay Skng A3ay Skong A3way Sokng Aw3ay S9ng Aday S9ong Adway So9ng Awday S0ng Aeay S0ong Aeway So0ng Aweay
Slng Asay Slong Solng Awsay Sing A2ay Siong A2way Soing Aw2ay

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