Spirals Of Time

travelling through spirals of time
seeing things change
burning minutes as we walk
pushing into the edge

once we were young and fresh
now we´re old and rotten
so we better take this chance
before we´re all broken

returning to our place to dream
our feelings fade to grey
out illusions turn to stone
after all we said

face to face to the mirror
face to face our life´s are too frail

somebody screams, where have you gone?
i know we can´t turn back time
´cause we´re a disease

somebody screams, where are you?

would you ever think of us
once this is over?
would you ever think of us
once this is over?

Mirror lyrics:

once this is over?
would you ever think of us
once this is over?
would you ever think of us

somebody screams, where are you?

´cause we´re a disease
i know we can´t turn back time
somebody screams, where have you gone?

face to face our life´s are too frail
face to face to the mirror

after all we said
out illusions turn to stone
our feelings fade to grey
returning to our place to dream

before we´re all broken
so we better take this chance
now we´re old and rotten
once we were young and fresh

pushing into the edge
burning minutes as we walk
seeing things change
travelling through spirals of time

Relevant Tags:
SSpirals OOf TTime pirals f ime pSirals fO iTme zpirals kf fime zSpirals kOf fTime Szpirals Okf Tfime wpirals 9f 5ime
wSpirals 9Of 5Time Swpirals O9f T5ime dpirals 0f hime dSpirals 0Of hTime Sdpirals O0f Thime epirals lf yime eSpirals lOf yTime
Sepirals Olf Tyime xpirals if 6ime xSpirals iOf 6Time Sxpirals Oif T6ime apirals Off gime aSpirals O gTime Sapirals Of Tgime
Sppirals Oc rime Sirals Ocf rTime Siprals Ofc Trime S0irals Or Tiime S0pirals Orf Tme Sp0irals Ofr Tmie Slirals Og Tjme
Slpirals Ogf Tjime Splirals Ofg Tijme Soirals Ot T9me Sopirals Otf T9ime Spoirals Oft Ti9me Spiirals Ov Tlme Sprals Ovf Tlime
Sprials Ofv Tilme Spjrals Od Tome Spjirals Odf Toime Spijrals Ofd Tiome Sp9rals Tkme Sp9irals Tkime Spi9rals Tikme
Splrals T8me T8ime Spilrals Ti8me Sporals Tume Tuime Spiorals Tiume Spkrals Timme
Spkirals Tie Spikrals Tiem Sp8rals Tije Sp8irals Spi8rals Timje Spurals Tike Spuirals
Spiurals Timke Spirrals Tine Spials Tinme Spiarls Timne Spidals Timee Spidrals Tim Spirdals Time
Spi4als Tims Spi4rals Timse

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