Hot Hot Heat
Have A Good Sleep

Wake up!
You do have a way words -at least with me- unfortunately.
Please tell me this means what I think it does -but secretly- so he won't see.
My dear, I fear that your scandal has corrupted many -disrupted many- anyway.
Have a good sleep on your own.
Have a good sleep all alone.
Tape up your fingers they're bleeding now, so knock less hard.
Wait patiently. Useless -they're useless excuses.
So unnecessary -but not with me.
Holding on, though I don't why. Holding on to your lullabye.
My love is gone, but not for long.

Mirror lyrics:

My love is gone, but not for long.
Holding on, though I don't why. Holding on to your lullabye.
So unnecessary -but not with me.
Wait patiently. Useless -they're useless excuses.
Tape up your fingers they're bleeding now, so knock less hard.
Have a good sleep all alone.
Have a good sleep on your own.
My dear, I fear that your scandal has corrupted many -disrupted many- anyway.
Please tell me this means what I think it does -but secretly- so he won't see.
You do have a way words -at least with me- unfortunately.
Wake up!

Relevant Tags:
HHave AA GGood SSleep ave ood leep aHve A oGod lSeep jave z hood zleep jHave zA hGood zSleep Hjave Az Ghood Szleep
uave q yood wleep uHave qA yGood wSleep Huave Aq Gyood Swleep nave s bood dleep nHave sA bGood dSleep Hnave As Gbood Sdleep
bave w vood eleep bHave wA vGood eSleep Hbave Aw Gvood Seleep gave x food xleep gHave xA fGood xSleep Hgave Ax Gfood Sxleep
yave tood aleep yHave tGood aSleep Hyave Gtood Saleep Haave Goood Slleep Hve God Seep Hvae Good Selep
Hzve Gkod Skeep Hzave Gkood Skleep Hazve Gokod Slkeep Hqve G9od Soeep Hqave G9ood Soleep Haqve Go9od Sloeep
Hsve G0od Speep Hsave G0ood Spleep Hasve Go0od Slpeep Hwve Glod Sleeep Hwave Glood Slep Hawve Golod Sleep
Hxve Giod Slsep Hxave Giood Slseep Haxve Goiod Slesep Havve Sl3ep Hae Sl3eep Haev Godo Sle3ep

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