Hot Apple Pie
Slowin' Down The Fall

Watchin the neon flicker
Familiar smell of liquor
It's late and no one knows my name of face
I think I found the perfect place to disapear

Me and Freddy Fender
The bartender
The last tear drop falls
And the couples are on the floor
Parts that can't recover
We understand eachother
Behind those swaying doors
I just need some time to think

Somethin strong to drink
A moment to recall
With this kind of hurt
Sometimes the whiskey works
Sometimes it don't at all
But at least I'm slowin down the fall

This is my Chair and table
Sometimes I'm even able
To control my life
Now and then i forget the shape I'm in
But it all begins again tomorrow night
When I need some time to think


I just need some time to think


The fall

Mirror lyrics:

The fall


I just need some time to think


When I need some time to think
But it all begins again tomorrow night
Now and then i forget the shape I'm in
To control my life
Sometimes I'm even able
This is my Chair and table

But at least I'm slowin down the fall
Sometimes it don't at all
Sometimes the whiskey works
With this kind of hurt
A moment to recall
Somethin strong to drink

I just need some time to think
Behind those swaying doors
We understand eachother
Parts that can't recover
And the couples are on the floor
The last tear drop falls
The bartender
Me and Freddy Fender

I think I found the perfect place to disapear
It's late and no one knows my name of face
Familiar smell of liquor
Watchin the neon flicker

Relevant Tags:
SSlowin' DDown TThe FFall lowin' own he all lSowin' oDwn hTe aFll zlowin' xown fhe call zSlowin' xDown fThe cFall Szlowin' Dxown Tfhe Fcall
wlowin' eown 5he rall wSlowin' eDown 5The rFall Swlowin' Deown T5he Frall dlowin' fown hhe gall dSlowin' fDown hThe gFall Sdlowin' Dfown Thhe Fgall
elowin' rown yhe tall eSlowin' rDown yThe tFall Selowin' Drown Tyhe Ftall xlowin' cown 6he vall xSlowin' cDown 6The vFall Sxlowin' Dcown T6he Fvall
alowin' sown ghe dall aSlowin' sDown gThe dFall Salowin' Dsown Tghe Fdall Sllowin' Doown rhe Faall Sowin' Dwn rThe Fll Solwin' Dwon Trhe Flal
Skowin' Dkwn Fzll Sklowin' Dkown Te Fzall Slkowin' Dokwn Teh Fazll Soowin' D9wn Tje Fqll Solowin' D9own Tjhe Fqall Sloowin' Do9wn Thje Faqll
Spowin' D0wn Tue Fsll Splowin' D0own Tuhe Fsall Slpowin' Do0wn Thue Fasll Dlwn Tne Fwll Slwin' Dlown Tnhe Fwall Slwoin' Dolwn Thne Fawll
Slkwin' Diwn Tbe Fxll Diown Tbhe Fxall Slokwin' Doiwn Thbe Faxll Sl9win' Dowwn Tge Falll Sl9owin' Don Fal Slo9win' Donw Thge Fall
Sl0win' Doan Tye Fakl Sl0owin' Doawn Fakll Slo0win' Dowan Thye Falkl Sllwin' Do3n Thee Faol Do3wn Th Faoll Slolwin' Dow3n The Falol
Sliwin' Dodn Ths Fapl Sliowin' Dodwn Thse Fapll Sloiwin' Dowdn Thes Falpl Slowwin' Doen Th3 Sloin' Doewn Th3e Sloiwn' Dowen The3
Sloain' Dosn Thf Falk Sloawin' Doswn Thfe Slowain' Dowsn Thef Fallk

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