Hot Apple Pie
I Should've Seen Her Leavin' Comin'

Well, the watch in my pocket's never quite on time
I'm like an old cow tail, always draggin' behind
Seems I'm always runnin' just to catch the bus
An' the last one to know she had given up.

Yeah, I was too busy thinkin' everything was all right
Too busy stayin' out, drinkin' all night
If I had any sense, I'd a-noticed the signs
Goodbye was at the door an' knockin'
I shoulda seen her leavin' comin'.

She left a note on the door, said: "You missed our date
"Happy Anniversay, two days late."
Well, she must've been bored in this empty house
'Cause she's livin' with a rock n' roll band down town.

Yeah, I was too busy thinkin' everything was all right
Too busy stayin' out, drinkin' all night
If I had any sense, I'd a-noticed the signs
Goodbye was at the door an' knockin'
I shoulda seen her leavin' comin'.

Yeah, I was too busy thinkin' everything was all right
Too busy stayin' out, drinkin' all night
If I had any sense, I'd a-noticed the signs
Goodbye was at the door an' knockin'
I shoulda seen her leavin' comin'.

Yeah, I'm a loser, I'm a flunky, I'm a heart-breakin' junkie
Halfway to good-for-nothin'
I shoulda seen her leavin' comin'.

Mirror lyrics:

I shoulda seen her leavin' comin'.
Halfway to good-for-nothin'
Yeah, I'm a loser, I'm a flunky, I'm a heart-breakin' junkie

I shoulda seen her leavin' comin'.
Goodbye was at the door an' knockin'
If I had any sense, I'd a-noticed the signs
Too busy stayin' out, drinkin' all night
Yeah, I was too busy thinkin' everything was all right

I shoulda seen her leavin' comin'.
Goodbye was at the door an' knockin'
If I had any sense, I'd a-noticed the signs
Too busy stayin' out, drinkin' all night
Yeah, I was too busy thinkin' everything was all right

'Cause she's livin' with a rock n' roll band down town.
Well, she must've been bored in this empty house
"Happy Anniversay, two days late."
She left a note on the door, said: "You missed our date

I shoulda seen her leavin' comin'.
Goodbye was at the door an' knockin'
If I had any sense, I'd a-noticed the signs
Too busy stayin' out, drinkin' all night
Yeah, I was too busy thinkin' everything was all right

An' the last one to know she had given up.
Seems I'm always runnin' just to catch the bus
I'm like an old cow tail, always draggin' behind
Well, the watch in my pocket's never quite on time

Relevant Tags:
II SShould've SSeen HHer LLeavin' CComin' hould've een er eavin' omin' I hSould've eSen eHr eLavin' oCmin' j zhould've zeen jer keavin' fomin' jI zShould've zSeen jHer kLeavin' fComin'
Ij Szhould've Szeen Hjer Lkeavin' Cfomin' 9 whould've ween uer oeavin' xomin' 9I wShould've wSeen uHer oLeavin' xComin' I9 Swhould've Sween Huer Loeavin' Cxomin' l dhould've deen ner peavin' vomin'
lI dShould've dSeen nHer pLeavin' vComin' Il Sdhould've Sdeen Hner Lpeavin' Cvomin' o ehould've eeen ber Leeavin' domin' oI eShould've eSeen bHer Lavin' dComin' Io Sehould've Seeen Hber Laevin' Cdomin'
k xhould've xeen ger Lsavin' Coomin' kI xShould've xSeen gHer Lseavin' Cmin' Ik Sxhould've Sxeen Hger Lesavin' Cmoin' 8 ahould've aeen yer L3avin' Ckmin' 8I aShould've aSeen yHer L3eavin' Ckomin'
I8 Sahould've Saeen Hyer Le3avin' Cokmin' u Shhould've Heer Lfavin' C9min' uI Sould've Sen Hr Lfeavin' C9omin' Iu Sohuld've Seen Hre Lefavin' Co9min' Sjould've Ssen Hsr Lravin' C0min'
Sjhould've Sseen Hser Lreavin' C0omin' Shjould've Sesen Hesr Leravin' Co0min' Suould've S3en H3r L4avin' Clmin' Suhould've S3een H3er L4eavin' Clomin' Shuould've Se3en He3r Le4avin' Colmin'
Snould've Sfen Hfr Ldavin' Cimin' Snhould've Sfeen Hfer Ldeavin' Ciomin' Shnould've Sefen Hefr Ledavin' Coimin' Sbould've Sren Hrr Lwavin' Commin' Sbhould've Sreen Hrer Lweavin' Coin'
Shbould've Seren Herr Lewavin' Coimn' Sgould've S4en H4r Leaavin' Cojin' Sghould've S4een H4er Levin' Cojmin' Shgould've Se4en He4r Levain' Comjin' Syould've Sden Hdr Lezvin' Cokin'
Syhould've Hder Lezavin' Shyould've Seden Hedr Leazvin' Comkin' Shoould've Swen Hwr Leqvin' Conin' Shuld've Hwer Leqavin' Conmin' Shuold've Sewen Hewr Leaqvin' Comnin'
Shkuld've Lesvin' Comiin' Shkould've He Comn' Shokuld've Sene Her Leasvin' Comni' Sh9uld've Sesn Hed Lewvin' Comjn' Sh9ould've
Sho9uld've Seesn Herd Leawvin' Comijn' Sh0uld've Se3n He4 Lexvin' Com9n' Sh0ould've Lexavin' Com9in' Sho0uld've See3n Her4 Leaxvin' Comi9n' Shluld've Sefn Heg Leavvin' Comln'
Shlould've Hegr Leain' Comlin' Sholuld've Seefn Herg Leaivn' Comiln' Shiuld've Sern Het Leabin' Comon' Shiould've Hetr Leabvin' Comoin' Shoiuld've Seern Hert Leavbin' Comion'
Shouuld've Se4n He5 Leacin' Comkn' Shold've He5r Leacvin' Sholud've See4n Her5 Leavcin' Comikn' Shohld've Sedn Hef Leagin' Com8n' Shohuld've Leagvin' Com8in'
Shouhld've Seedn Herf Leavgin' Comi8n' Sho7ld've Sewn Hee Leafin' Comun' Sho7uld've Leafvin' Comuin' Shou7ld've Seewn Here Leavfin' Comiun' Shokld've Seenn Leaviin' Cominn'
See Leavn' Comi' Shoukld've Leavni' Comi'n Shoild've Seem Leavjn' Comim' Seemn Leavjin' Comimn' Shouild've Seenm Leavijn' Cominm'
Sho8ld've Seeh Leav9n' Comih' Sho8uld've Seehn Leav9in' Comihn' Shou8ld've Seenh Leavi9n' Cominh'

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