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In A Little While

Once in a good while, you might find somebody to love you yea
Kind of like you momma, or your grandmomma watching above you oo yea

I hope that you'll stay for the night
I've made the bed and I've saved your side
Make me over, bring me to the light
Until the sunshine opens my eyes
Wake with a smile and I'll
I'll see you in a little while la la la

They say I've changed since I've been living without you yea
I can't stay in one place, the memories they chase me around the room
I planted a shade tree and I lay there thinking about you yea
The leaves fall around me, I'd love to blow away with them
If I could

Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't
Ride my landslide out with the tide
You ain't going nowhere, if you're going there alone
Hold me over, the next flight's mine
Tears with a smile and I'll
I'll see you in a little while la la la

I used to waste my sweet time, till you arrived
Now I don't know how I'll spend my time alive

When it's over, all said and done
Bags packed, tags checked, front of the line
I'll lay in clover, under the sun
Lift my eyes up to the sky and smile cause I'll
I'll see you in a little while la la la
I'll see you in a little while la la la
I'll see you in a little while

Mirror lyrics:

I'll see you in a little while
I'll see you in a little while la la la
I'll see you in a little while la la la
Lift my eyes up to the sky and smile cause I'll
I'll lay in clover, under the sun
Bags packed, tags checked, front of the line
When it's over, all said and done

Now I don't know how I'll spend my time alive
I used to waste my sweet time, till you arrived

I'll see you in a little while la la la
Tears with a smile and I'll
Hold me over, the next flight's mine
You ain't going nowhere, if you're going there alone
Ride my landslide out with the tide
Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't

If I could
The leaves fall around me, I'd love to blow away with them
I planted a shade tree and I lay there thinking about you yea
I can't stay in one place, the memories they chase me around the room
They say I've changed since I've been living without you yea

I'll see you in a little while la la la
Wake with a smile and I'll
Until the sunshine opens my eyes
Make me over, bring me to the light
I've made the bed and I've saved your side
I hope that you'll stay for the night

Kind of like you momma, or your grandmomma watching above you oo yea
Once in a good while, you might find somebody to love you yea

Relevant Tags:
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8n L9ttle 2hile 8In L9ittle 2While I8n Li9ttle W2hile un Llttle qhile uIn Llittle qWhile Iun Lilttle Wqhile
Inn Lottle Whhile I Wile In Liottle Wihle Im Lkttle Wjile Imn Wjhile Inm Likttle Whjile
Ih L8ttle Wuile Ihn L8ittle Wuhile Inh Li8ttle Whuile Ij Luttle Wnile Luittle Wnhile Inj Liuttle Whnile
Ib Litttle Wbile Ibn Litle Wbhile Inb Little Whbile Liftle Wgile Lifttle Wghile Litftle Whgile
Li5tle Wyile Li5ttle Wyhile Lit5tle Whyile Lihtle Whiile Lihttle Whle Lithtle Whlie
Liytle Whjle Liyttle Litytle Whijle Li6tle Wh9le Li6ttle Wh9ile Lit6tle Whi9le

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