Horribles Cernettes, Les
Surfing On The Web

You can ring, you can ring and I won't show up
You can phone you can phone and I won't pick up
You can write and you can fax, straight in the scrap
You can scream and you can shout and I won't wake up

But you can catch me on the Web
Click me, click on me
Link me on the Web
Oh baby, I'll hyperlink to you
Surf me on the Web
My page is all for you
Call me on the Web
I'll open, open my windows to you

You can ring, you can ring and I won't show up
You can phone you can phone and I won't pick up
You can write and you can fax, straight in the scrap
You can scream and you can shout and I won't wake up

But you can catch me on the Web
Click me, click on me
Link me on the Web
Oh baby, I'll hyperlink to you
Surf me on the Web
My page is all for you
Call me on the Web
I'll open, open my windows to you

And I won't show up
And I won't pick up
Straight in the scrap
And I won't wake up

But you can catch me on the Web
Click me, click on me
Link me on the Web
Oh baby, I'll hyperlink to you
Surf me on the Web
My page is all for you
Call me on the Web
I'll open, open my windows to you

Mirror lyrics:

I'll open, open my windows to you
Call me on the Web
My page is all for you
Surf me on the Web
Oh baby, I'll hyperlink to you
Link me on the Web
Click me, click on me
But you can catch me on the Web

And I won't wake up
Straight in the scrap
And I won't pick up
And I won't show up

I'll open, open my windows to you
Call me on the Web
My page is all for you
Surf me on the Web
Oh baby, I'll hyperlink to you
Link me on the Web
Click me, click on me
But you can catch me on the Web

You can scream and you can shout and I won't wake up
You can write and you can fax, straight in the scrap
You can phone you can phone and I won't pick up
You can ring, you can ring and I won't show up

I'll open, open my windows to you
Call me on the Web
My page is all for you
Surf me on the Web
Oh baby, I'll hyperlink to you
Link me on the Web
Click me, click on me
But you can catch me on the Web

You can scream and you can shout and I won't wake up
You can write and you can fax, straight in the scrap
You can phone you can phone and I won't pick up
You can ring, you can ring and I won't show up

Relevant Tags:
SSurfing OOn TThe WWeb urfing n he eb uSrfing nO hTe eWb zurfing kn fhe aeb zSurfing kOn fThe aWeb Szurfing Okn Tfhe Waeb
wurfing 9n 5he 3eb wSurfing 9On 5The 3Web Swurfing O9n T5he W3eb durfing 0n hhe deb dSurfing 0On hThe dWeb Sdurfing O0n Thhe Wdeb
eurfing ln yhe eeb eSurfing lOn yThe eWeb Seurfing Oln Tyhe Weeb xurfing in 6he seb xSurfing iOn 6The sWeb Sxurfing Oin T6he Wseb
aurfing Onn ghe 2eb aSurfing O gThe 2Web Saurfing On Tghe W2eb Suurfing Om rhe qeb Srfing Omn rThe qWeb Srufing Onm Trhe Wqeb
Shrfing Oh Shurfing Ohn Te Wb Suhrfing Onh Teh Wbe S7rfing Oj Tje Wsb S7urfing Ojn Tjhe Su7rfing Onj Thje Wesb
Skrfing Ob Tue W3b Skurfing Obn Tuhe Sukrfing Onb Thue We3b Sirfing Tne Wfb Siurfing Tnhe Wfeb Suirfing Thne Wefb
S8rfing Tbe Wrb S8urfing Tbhe Wreb Su8rfing Thbe Werb Sjrfing Tge W4b Sjurfing W4eb Sujrfing Thge We4b
Syrfing Tye Wdb Syurfing Suyrfing Thye Wedb Surrfing Thee Wwb Sufing Th Wweb Sufring The Wewb
Sudfing Ths Webb Sudrfing Thse We Surdfing Thes Web Su4fing Th3 Wev Su4rfing Th3e Wevb Sur4fing The3 Webv
Sugfing Thf Weg Sugrfing Thfe Wegb Surgfing Thef Webg Sutfing Thr Wen Sutrfing Thre Wenb Surtfing Ther Webn
Su5fing Th4 Weh Su5rfing Th4e Wehb Sur5fing The4 Webh Suffing Thd Sufrfing Thde Surffing Thed
Suefing Thw Suerfing Thwe Surefing Thew Suring

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