Henry Ate
Mother Superior

Down at the bus stop all dressed in black
Men with their cases on their way to work
The mother superior walks on by a book in her hand
Been banned on all known book shelves

Into the school yard the children are playing
Tripping away on the caps they bought a lunch break
The Mother Superior walks on by a gun in her hand
She's bound to shoot someone she hates

So you get down on your knees boy - get down on your knees
For the angels would like to play
Get down on your knees boy - get down on your knees
What's the matter you don't like this game
It's called life

The corner shop's doing well these days
On sales of coke cause pepsi don't go down the same
The mother superior runs on by, two cops on her heels
No worries God will make her fly
Faith will take her places, It won't take you or I, you or I

The dog next door tends to bark too loud
No worries as long as it drowns out their youngest cries
The mother superior will whip him in blame
I believe she'll do it in Gods name

So you get down on your knees boy - get down on your knees
For the angels would like to play
Get down on your knees boy - get down on your knees
What' the matter you don't like this game
(It's called life)

Mirror lyrics:

(It's called life)
What' the matter you don't like this game
Get down on your knees boy - get down on your knees
For the angels would like to play
So you get down on your knees boy - get down on your knees

I believe she'll do it in Gods name
The mother superior will whip him in blame
No worries as long as it drowns out their youngest cries
The dog next door tends to bark too loud

Faith will take her places, It won't take you or I, you or I
No worries God will make her fly
The mother superior runs on by, two cops on her heels
On sales of coke cause pepsi don't go down the same
The corner shop's doing well these days

It's called life
What's the matter you don't like this game
Get down on your knees boy - get down on your knees
For the angels would like to play
So you get down on your knees boy - get down on your knees

She's bound to shoot someone she hates
The Mother Superior walks on by a gun in her hand
Tripping away on the caps they bought a lunch break
Into the school yard the children are playing

Been banned on all known book shelves
The mother superior walks on by a book in her hand
Men with their cases on their way to work
Down at the bus stop all dressed in black

Relevant Tags:
MMother SSuperior other uperior oMther uSperior jother zuperior jMother zSuperior Mjother Szuperior kother wuperior
kMother wSuperior Mkother Swuperior nother duperior nMother dSuperior Mnother Sduperior Moother euperior Mther eSuperior
Mtoher Seuperior Mkther xuperior xSuperior Mokther Sxuperior M9ther auperior M9other aSuperior Mo9ther Sauperior
M0ther Suuperior M0other Sperior Mo0ther Spuerior Mlther Shperior Mlother Shuperior Molther Suhperior Mither S7perior
Miother S7uperior Moither Su7perior Motther Skperior Moher Skuperior Mohter Sukperior Mofher Siperior Mofther Siuperior
Motfher Suiperior Mo5her S8perior Mo5ther S8uperior Mot5her Su8perior Mohher Sjperior Mohther Sjuperior Mothher Sujperior
Moyher Syperior Moyther Syuperior Motyher Suyperior Mo6her Supperior Mo6ther Suerior Mot6her Sueprior Mogher Su0erior
Mogther Su0perior Motgher Sup0erior Morher Sulerior Morther Sulperior Motrher Suplerior Suoerior Moter Suoperior
Motehr Supoerior Motjer Supeerior Motjher Suprior Mothjer Supreior Motuer Supsrior Motuher Supserior Mothuer Supesrior
Motner Sup3rior Motnher Sup3erior Mothner Supe3rior Motber Supfrior Motbher Supferior Mothber Supefrior Motger Suprrior
Suprerior Mothger Superrior Motyer Sup4rior Sup4erior Mothyer Supe4rior Motheer Supdrior Mothr Supderior
Mothre Supedrior Mothsr Supwrior Mothser Supwerior Mothesr Supewrior

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