The Things I'm Saying

Hear me out now
The things I'm saying
,Are truly what I feel
Cause I had my own
Troubled times
That made it look so real

People hurt me
And tried to smash
Each one of my believes
But I'm strong again
And raise my hand
So come on follow me

Come together
We'll make it better
We should never
Ever go astray
And affection
Is the only way

Let's unite now
And show them how
Happiness is here
No more sorrow
No Need to borrow
Other identities

Cause I trust my'
Inner self
There's no room
For shame
So just watch me
Following my believes
And you should do the same

Mirror lyrics:

And you should do the same
Following my believes
So just watch me
For shame
There's no room
Inner self
Cause I trust my'

Other identities
No Need to borrow
No more sorrow
Happiness is here
And show them how
Let's unite now

Is the only way
And affection
Ever go astray
We should never
We'll make it better
Come together

So come on follow me
And raise my hand
But I'm strong again
Each one of my believes
And tried to smash
People hurt me

That made it look so real
Troubled times
Cause I had my own
,Are truly what I feel
The things I'm saying
Hear me out now

Relevant Tags:
TThe TThings II'm SSaying he hings 'm aying hTe hTings 'Im aSying fhe fhings j'm zaying fThe fThings jI'm zSaying Tfhe Tfhings Ij'm Szaying
5he 5hings 9'm waying 5The 5Things 9I'm wSaying T5he T5hings I9'm Swaying hhe hhings l'm daying hThe hThings lI'm dSaying Thhe Thhings Il'm Sdaying
yhe yhings o'm eaying yThe yThings oI'm eSaying Tyhe Tyhings Io'm Seaying 6he 6hings k'm xaying 6The 6Things kI'm xSaying T6he T6hings Ik'm Sxaying
ghe ghings 8'm aaying gThe gThings 8I'm aSaying Tghe Tghings I8'm Saaying rhe rhings u'm rThe rThings uI'm Sying Trhe Trhings Iu'm Syaing
I''m Szying Te Tings Im Teh Tihngs Im' Sazying Tje Tjings I'mm Sqying Tjhe Tjhings I' Sqaying Thje Thjings I'm Saqying
Tue Tuings I'j Ssying Tuhe Tuhings I'jm Ssaying Thue Thuings I'mj Sasying Tne Tnings I'k Swying Tnhe Tnhings I'km Thne Thnings I'mk Sawying
Tbe Tbings I'n Sxying Tbhe Tbhings I'nm Thbe Thbings I'mn Saxying Tge Tgings Sayying Saing Thge Thgings Saiyng
Tye Tyings Saging Sagying Thye Thyings Sayging Thee Thiings Sahing Th Thngs Sahying The Thnigs Sayhing
Ths Thjngs Sa6ing Thse Sa6ying Thes Thijngs Say6ing Th3 Th9ngs Sauing Th3e Th9ings Sauying The3 Thi9ngs Sayuing
Thf Thlngs Sa7ing Thfe Thlings Sa7ying Thef Thilngs Say7ing Thr Thongs Sajing Thre Thoings Sajying

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