North South East And West

North South East and West.
Let's get this party groovin'
North South East and West.
Let's get our bodies movin'
North South East and West.
Let's get ready and go ...
Whoa ...

I could climb a steep volcano.
(Ooh ah, Ooh ah.)
Or journey to the sun (Whoo)
Discover hidden treasures (Ooh).
Our adventure has begun (Yipee)
Come with us and take a trip.
Come with us adventuring
Follow your dreams. Follow your heart.
Follow the journey, make a start

North South East and West.
Let's get this party groovin'
North South East and West.
Let's get our bodies movin'
North South East and West.
Let's get ready and go

I could wear my cowboy boots "Howdy, partner".
Kick my heels up high (yee-hah!)
Take off in a big balloon (woah).
And float across the sky (wow)
Come with us and take a trip.
Come with us adventuring
Follow your dreams. Follow your heart.
Follow the journey, make a start

North South East and West.
Let's get this party groovin'
North South East and West.
Let's get our bodies movin'
North South East and West.
Let's get ready and go
North South East and West.
Let's get this party groovin'
North South East and West.
Let's get our bodies movin'
North South East and West.
Let's get ready and go

Mirror lyrics:

Let's get ready and go
North South East and West.
Let's get our bodies movin'
North South East and West.
Let's get this party groovin'
North South East and West.
Let's get ready and go
North South East and West.
Let's get our bodies movin'
North South East and West.
Let's get this party groovin'
North South East and West.

Follow the journey, make a start
Follow your dreams. Follow your heart.
Come with us adventuring
Come with us and take a trip.
And float across the sky (wow)
Take off in a big balloon (woah).
Kick my heels up high (yee-hah!)
I could wear my cowboy boots "Howdy, partner".

Let's get ready and go
North South East and West.
Let's get our bodies movin'
North South East and West.
Let's get this party groovin'
North South East and West.

Follow the journey, make a start
Follow your dreams. Follow your heart.
Come with us adventuring
Come with us and take a trip.
Our adventure has begun (Yipee)
Discover hidden treasures (Ooh).
Or journey to the sun (Whoo)
(Ooh ah, Ooh ah.)
I could climb a steep volcano.

Whoa ...
Let's get ready and go ...
North South East and West.
Let's get our bodies movin'
North South East and West.
Let's get this party groovin'
North South East and West.

Relevant Tags:
NNorth SSouth EEast AAnd WWest orth outh ast nd est oNrth oSuth aEst nAd eWst morth zouth sast znd aest mNorth zSouth sEast zAnd aWest
Nmorth Szouth Esast Aznd Waest horth wouth 3ast qnd 3est hNorth wSouth 3East qAnd 3West Nhorth Swouth E3ast Aqnd W3est jorth douth fast snd dest
jNorth dSouth fEast sAnd dWest Njorth Sdouth Efast Asnd Wdest borth eouth rast wnd eest bNorth eSouth rEast wAnd eWest Nborth Seouth Erast Awnd Weest
Noorth xouth 4ast xnd sest Nrth xSouth 4East xAnd sWest Nroth Sxouth E4ast Axnd Wsest Nkrth aouth dast Annd 2est Nkorth aSouth dEast Ad 2West
Nokrth Saouth Edast Adn W2est N9rth Soouth wast Amd qest N9orth Suth wEast Amnd qWest No9rth Suoth Ewast Anmd Wqest N0rth Skuth Eaast Ahd
N0orth Skouth Est Ahnd Wst No0rth Sokuth Esat Anhd Wset Nlrth S9uth Ezst Ajd Wsst Nlorth S9outh Ezast Ajnd Nolrth So9uth Eazst Anjd Wesst
Nirth S0uth Eqst Abd W3st Niorth S0outh Eqast Abnd Noirth So0uth Eaqst Anbd We3st Norrth Sluth Esst Andd Wfst Noth Slouth An Wfest
Notrh Soluth Easst And Wefst Nodth Siuth Ewst Anx Wrst Nodrth Siouth Anxd Wrest Nordth Soiuth Eawst Andx Werst No4th Souuth Exst Ane W4st
No4rth Soth Exast Aned W4est Nor4th Sotuh Eaxst Ande We4st Nogth Sohth Anf Wdst Nogrth Sohuth Eat Anfd Norgth Souhth Eats Andf Wedst
Notth So7th Eazt Anr Wwst Notrth So7uth Anrd Wwest Nortth Sou7th Easzt Andr Wewst No5th Sokth Eawt Anc No5rth Ancd Wet
Nor5th Soukth Easwt Andc Wets

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