Hillsong United
Dwell In Your House

You set me apart
Gave me a new heart
Filled with compassion
To share Your great love

Show me Your ways
I want to know You
Guide me in truth
My hope is in You

That I may dwell in Your house forever
Lifting up Your name
Dwell in Your house forever more

That I may dwell in Your house forever
Lifting up Your name
Dwell in Your house forever more

I'll hold on to You,
My strength and my refuge.
Whom shall I fear?
I know You are near

All of my days
I live for You, Lord
Establish my path
There's one thing I ask
That I may dwell in Your house forever
Lifting up Your name
Dwell in Your house forever more

That I may dwell in Your house forever
Lifting up Your name
Dwell in Your house forever more

Holy Spirit, have Your way
Sweet anointing teach our hearts
Our lives, we pray

That I may dwell in Your house forever
Lifting up Your name
Dwell in Your house forever more

That I may dwell in Your house forever
Lifting up Your name
Dwell in Your house forever more

That I may dwell in Your house forever
Lifting up Your name
Dwell in Your house forever more

Mirror lyrics:

Dwell in Your house forever more
Lifting up Your name
That I may dwell in Your house forever

Dwell in Your house forever more
Lifting up Your name
That I may dwell in Your house forever

Dwell in Your house forever more
Lifting up Your name
That I may dwell in Your house forever

Our lives, we pray
Sweet anointing teach our hearts
Holy Spirit, have Your way

Dwell in Your house forever more
Lifting up Your name
That I may dwell in Your house forever

Dwell in Your house forever more
Lifting up Your name
That I may dwell in Your house forever
There's one thing I ask
Establish my path
I live for You, Lord
All of my days

I know You are near
Whom shall I fear?
My strength and my refuge.
I'll hold on to You,

Dwell in Your house forever more
Lifting up Your name
That I may dwell in Your house forever

Dwell in Your house forever more
Lifting up Your name
That I may dwell in Your house forever

My hope is in You
Guide me in truth
I want to know You
Show me Your ways

To share Your great love
Filled with compassion
Gave me a new heart
You set me apart

Relevant Tags:
DDwell IIn YYour HHouse well n our ouse wDell nI oYur oHuse xwell jn gour jouse xDwell jIn gYour jHouse Dxwell Ijn Ygour Hjouse
ewell 9n hour uouse eDwell 9In hYour uHouse Dewell I9n Yhour Huouse fwell ln 6our nouse fDwell lIn 6Your nHouse Dfwell Iln Y6our Hnouse
rwell on uour bouse rDwell oIn uYour bHouse Drwell Ion Yuour Hbouse cwell kn 7our gouse cDwell kIn 7Your gHouse Dcwell Ikn Y7our Hgouse
swell 8n jour youse sDwell 8In jYour yHouse Dswell I8n Yjour Hyouse Dwwell un tour Hoouse Dell uIn tYour Huse Dewll Iun Ytour Huose
Daell Inn Yoour Hkuse Dawell I Yur Hkouse Dwaell In Yuor Hokuse D3ell Im Ykur H9use D3well Imn Ykour H9ouse Dw3ell Inm Yokur Ho9use
Ddell Ih Y9ur H0use Ddwell Ihn Y9our H0ouse Dwdell Inh Yo9ur Ho0use Deell Ij Y0ur Hluse Y0our Hlouse Dweell Inj Yo0ur Holuse
Dsell Ib Ylur Hiuse Ibn Ylour Hiouse Dwsell Inb Yolur Hoiuse D2ell Yiur Houuse D2well Yiour Hose Dw2ell Yoiur Hosue
Dqell Youur Hohse Dqwell Yor Hohuse Dwqell Yoru Houhse Yohr Ho7se Dwll Yohur Ho7use Dwlel Youhr Hou7se
Dwsll Yo7r Hokse Yo7ur Dwesll You7r Houkse

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