Hilary Duff
Dangerous To Know

Some secrets need to be kept
Some stories should never be told
Some reasons shouldn't be understood
They just might turn your blood cold

Who needs all the answers?
Who takes all the chances?
Who said the truth's gonna save you?
When the truth could be dangerous?

Like the way I feel
It's alright to steal
What I need from you
Do what I have to do
Say what I have to say
Go where I have to go
And that's dangerous
Dangerous to know (know, know, know)

I was a law onto myself
When you found me out on my own
Together, nothing was secret
Together, we were alone

Who needs all the questions?
Who lost their direction?
Who said a lie's gonna break you?
When a lie could be dangerous?

Like the way I feel
It's all right to steal
What I need from you
Do what I have to do
Say what I have to say
Go where I have to go
And that's dangerous
Dangerous to know

Ignorance is bliss
You're safe when you resist
There's no safety in a kiss like this
It's dangerous
So kiss me
Kiss me!

Like the way I feel
It's all right to steal
What I need from you
Do what I have to do
Say what I have to say
Go where I have to go
And that's dangerous

Like the way I feel
It's all right to steal
What I need from you
Do what I have to do
Say what I have to say
Go where I have to go
And that's dangerous
Dangerous to know (know, know, know)

Some secrets need to be kept...

Mirror lyrics:

Some secrets need to be kept...

Dangerous to know (know, know, know)
And that's dangerous
Go where I have to go
Say what I have to say
Do what I have to do
What I need from you
It's all right to steal
Like the way I feel

And that's dangerous
Go where I have to go
Say what I have to say
Do what I have to do
What I need from you
It's all right to steal
Like the way I feel

Kiss me!
So kiss me
It's dangerous
There's no safety in a kiss like this
You're safe when you resist
Ignorance is bliss

Dangerous to know
And that's dangerous
Go where I have to go
Say what I have to say
Do what I have to do
What I need from you
It's all right to steal
Like the way I feel

When a lie could be dangerous?
Who said a lie's gonna break you?
Who lost their direction?
Who needs all the questions?

Together, we were alone
Together, nothing was secret
When you found me out on my own
I was a law onto myself

Dangerous to know (know, know, know)
And that's dangerous
Go where I have to go
Say what I have to say
Do what I have to do
What I need from you
It's alright to steal
Like the way I feel

When the truth could be dangerous?
Who said the truth's gonna save you?
Who takes all the chances?
Who needs all the answers?

They just might turn your blood cold
Some reasons shouldn't be understood
Some stories should never be told
Some secrets need to be kept

Relevant Tags:
DDangerous TTo KKnow angerous o now aDngerous oT nKow xangerous fo lnow xDangerous fTo lKnow Dxangerous Tfo Klnow
eangerous 5o onow eDangerous 5To oKnow Deangerous T5o Konow fangerous ho mnow fDangerous hTo mKnow Dfangerous Tho Kmnow
rangerous yo jnow rDangerous yTo jKnow Drangerous Tyo Kjnow cangerous 6o inow cDangerous 6To iKnow Dcangerous T6o Kinow
sangerous go Knnow sDangerous gTo Kow Dsangerous Tgo Konw Daangerous ro Kmow Dngerous rTo Dnagerous Tro Knmow
Dzngerous Too Khow Dzangerous T Khnow Dazngerous To Knhow Dqngerous Tk Kjow Dqangerous Tko Daqngerous Tok Knjow
Dsngerous T9 Kbow T9o Kbnow Dasngerous To9 Knbow Dwngerous T0 Knoow Dwangerous T0o Knw Dawngerous To0 Knwo
Dxngerous Tl Knkw Tlo Knkow Daxngerous Tol Knokw Danngerous Ti Kn9w Dagerous Tio Kn9ow Dagnerous Toi Kno9w
Damgerous Kn0w Damngerous Kn0ow Danmgerous Kno0w Dahgerous Knlw Dahngerous Knlow Danhgerous Knolw
Dajgerous Kniw Dajngerous Kniow Danjgerous Knoiw Dabgerous Knoww Dabngerous Kno Danbgerous Know
Danggerous Knoa Danerous Knoaw Danegrous Knowa Danherous Kno3 Kno3w Dangherous Know3
Danyerous Knod Danygerous Knodw Dangyerous Knowd Danberous Knoe Knoew Dangberous Knowe
Danverous Knos Danvgerous Knosw Dangverous Knows Danferous Kno2 Danfgerous Kno2w Dangferous Know2
Danterous Knoq Dantgerous Knoqw Dangterous Knowq Dangeerous Dangrous Dangreous
Dangsrous Dangserous Dangesrous Dang3rous Dang3erous Dange3rous
Dangfrous Dangefrous

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