Hikaru Utada
How Ya Doin' (rap Version)

How ya doin'. is everything fine.
Since you left me.
Nothin' means much in my life
How ya doin'. is everything fine.
Since you left me.
Nothin' menas much in my life
You never take me out anymore.
I'm callin' you 24-7. You're gone
Who do you think you're fooin'.
I wanted to call ust to say Hello

Waiting might not have been too bad.
Did you step to think of the love we had
If you had the patience to tell me.
I would not have had t osay Goodbye.Baby
You could've saved us both sometime.
Tell me. Tell me what's on your mind. baby
You didn't have to leave this way.
Tell me. Why did you take your love away

Mirror lyrics:

Tell me. Why did you take your love away
You didn't have to leave this way.
Tell me. Tell me what's on your mind. baby
You could've saved us both sometime.
I would not have had t osay Goodbye.Baby
If you had the patience to tell me.
Did you step to think of the love we had
Waiting might not have been too bad.

I wanted to call ust to say Hello
Who do you think you're fooin'.
I'm callin' you 24-7. You're gone
You never take me out anymore.
Nothin' menas much in my life
Since you left me.
How ya doin'. is everything fine.
Nothin' means much in my life
Since you left me.
How ya doin'. is everything fine.

Relevant Tags:
HHow YYa DDoin' ((rap VVersion) ow a oin' rap ersion) oHw aY oDin' r(ap eVrsion) jow ga xoin' (rrap bersion) jHow gYa xDoin' (ap bVersion)
Hjow Yga Dxoin' (arp Vbersion) uow ha eoin' (dap cersion) uHow hYa eDoin' (drap cVersion) Huow Yha Deoin' (rdap Vcersion) now 6a foin' (4ap gersion)
nHow 6Ya fDoin' (4rap gVersion) Hnow Y6a Dfoin' (r4ap Vgersion) bow ua roin' (gap fersion) bHow uYa rDoin' (grap fVersion) Hbow Yua Droin' (rgap Vfersion)
gow 7a coin' (tap Veersion) gHow 7Ya cDoin' (trap Vrsion) Hgow Y7a Dcoin' (rtap Vresion) yow ja soin' (5ap Vsrsion) yHow jYa sDoin' (5rap Vsersion)
Hyow Yja Dsoin' (r5ap Vesrsion) Hoow ta Dooin' (fap V3rsion) Hw tYa Din' (frap V3ersion) Hwo Yta Dion' (rfap Ve3rsion) Hkw Yaa Dkin' (eap Vfrsion)
Hkow Y Dkoin' (erap Hokw Ya Dokin' (reap Vefrsion) H9w Yz D9in' (raap Vrrsion) H9ow Yza D9oin' (rp Vrersion) Ho9w Yaz Do9in' (rpa Verrsion)
H0w Yq D0in' (rzp V4rsion) H0ow Yqa D0oin' (rzap V4ersion) Ho0w Yaq Do0in' (razp Ve4rsion) Hlw Ys Dlin' (rqp Vdrsion) Hlow Ysa Dloin' (rqap Vdersion)
Holw Yas Dolin' (raqp Vedrsion) Hiw Yw Diin' (rsp Vwrsion) Hiow Ywa Dioin' (rsap Vwersion) Hoiw Yaw Doiin' (rasp Vewrsion) Howw Yx (rwp
Ho Yxa Don' (rwap Vesion) How Yax Doni' (rawp Vesrion) Hoa Dojn' (rxp Vedsion) Hoaw Dojin' (rxap Howa Doijn' (raxp Verdsion)
Ho3 Do9n' (rapp Ve4sion) Ho3w (ra How3 Doi9n' (rap Ver4sion) Hod Doln' (ra0 Vegsion) Hodw (ra0p Vegrsion)
Howd Doiln' (rap0 Vergsion) Hoe Doon' (ral Vetsion) Hoew (ralp Vetrsion) Howe Doion' (rapl Vertsion) Hos Dokn' (rao Ve5sion)
Hosw (raop Ve5rsion) Hows Doikn' (rapo Ver5sion) Ho2 Do8n' Vefsion) Ho2w Do8in' How2 Doi8n' Verfsion)
Hoq Doun' Veesion) Hoqw Douin' Howq Doiun' Veresion) Doinn' Verssion) Doi' Verion)
Doi'n Verison)

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