Hillsong United
I Feel Like I'm Falling

Standing tall in this wide space
Getting lost in Your embrace
I see a fire burning brighter
It's calling me to catch the flame

I feel like I'm falling over and over in love with You
It's not just a feeling, but I know that He is real
I feel like I'm falling into the arms of a mighty God
It's not just a feeling, but I know that He is real

You're drawing me closer to Your side
It's the safest place I know where to hide
With one glance You captured my heart
You speak Your words and set me apart

I feel like I'm falling, I feel like I'm falling
I feel like I'm falling, falling into the arms of love

Mirror lyrics:

I feel like I'm falling, falling into the arms of love
I feel like I'm falling, I feel like I'm falling

You speak Your words and set me apart
With one glance You captured my heart
It's the safest place I know where to hide
You're drawing me closer to Your side

It's not just a feeling, but I know that He is real
I feel like I'm falling into the arms of a mighty God
It's not just a feeling, but I know that He is real
I feel like I'm falling over and over in love with You

It's calling me to catch the flame
I see a fire burning brighter
Getting lost in Your embrace
Standing tall in this wide space

Relevant Tags:
II FFeel LLike II'm FFalling eel ike 'm alling I eFel iLke 'Im aFlling j ceel kike j'm calling jI cFeel kLike jI'm cFalling Ij Fceel Lkike Ij'm Fcalling
9 reel oike 9'm ralling 9I rFeel oLike 9I'm rFalling I9 Freel Loike I9'm Fralling l geel pike l'm galling lI gFeel pLike lI'm gFalling Il Fgeel Lpike Il'm Fgalling
o teel Liike o'm talling oI tFeel Lke oI'm tFalling Io Fteel Lkie Io'm Ftalling k veel Ljke k'm valling kI vFeel Ljike kI'm vFalling Ik Fveel Lijke Ik'm Fvalling
8 deel L9ke 8'm dalling 8I dFeel L9ike 8I'm dFalling I8 Fdeel Li9ke I8'm Fdalling u Feeel Llke u'm Faalling uI Fel Llike uI'm Flling Iu Feel Lilke Iu'm Flaling
Fsel Loke I''m Fzlling Fseel Im Fzalling Fesel Lioke Im' Fazlling F3el Lkke I'mm Fqlling F3eel I' Fqalling Fe3el Likke I'm Faqlling
Ffel L8ke I'j Fslling Ffeel L8ike I'jm Fsalling Fefel Li8ke I'mj Faslling Frel Luke I'k Fwlling Luike I'km Fwalling Ferel Liuke I'mk Fawlling
F4el I'n Fxlling F4eel Lie I'nm Fxalling Fe4el Liek I'mn Faxlling Fdel Lile Fallling Faling Fedel Likle Falling
Fwel Lioe Fakling Fweel Faklling Fewel Likoe Falkling Lime Faoling Limke Faolling Fele Likme Faloling
Fesl Lije Fapling Faplling Feesl Likje Falpling Fe3l Liie Fee3l Likie Falilng Fefl Likee Falking

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