Love's Made A Fool Of You

(holly / montgomery)
Love can make a fool of you,
You do anything it wants you to.
Love can make you feel so good
When it goes like you think it should
Or it can make you cry at night
When your baby don't treat you right.

When you're feeling sad and blue
You know love's made a fool of you.

You know love makes fools of men
But you don't care, you're gonna try it again.
Time goes by, it's a-passing fast
You think true love has come at last.
But by and by you're gonna find
Your crazy love has made you blind

Chorus x2

Verse 1


Mirror lyrics:


Verse 1

Chorus x2

Your crazy love has made you blind
But by and by you're gonna find
You think true love has come at last.
Time goes by, it's a-passing fast
But you don't care, you're gonna try it again.
You know love makes fools of men

You know love's made a fool of you.
When you're feeling sad and blue

When your baby don't treat you right.
Or it can make you cry at night
When it goes like you think it should
Love can make you feel so good
You do anything it wants you to.
Love can make a fool of you,
(holly / montgomery)

Relevant Tags:
LLove's MMade AA FFool OOf YYou ove's ade ool f ou oLve's aMde A oFol fO oYu kove's jade z cool kf gou kLove's jMade zA cFool kOf gYou
Lkove's Mjade Az Fcool Okf Ygou oove's kade q rool 9f hou oLove's kMade qA rFool 9Of hYou Loove's Mkade Aq Frool O9f Yhou pove's nade s gool 0f 6ou
pLove's nMade sA gFool 0Of 6You Lpove's Mnade As Fgool O0f Y6ou Maade w tool lf uou Lve's Mde wA tFool lOf uYou Lvoe's Mdae Aw Ftool Olf Yuou
Lkve's Mzde x vool if 7ou Mzade xA vFool iOf 7You Lokve's Mazde Ax Fvool Oif Y7ou L9ve's Mqde dool Off jou L9ove's Mqade dFool O jYou
Lo9ve's Maqde Fdool Of Yjou L0ve's Msde Foool Oc tou L0ove's Msade Fol Ocf tYou Lo0ve's Masde Fool Ofc Ytou Llve's Mwde Fkol Or Yoou
Llove's Mwade Fkool Orf Yu Lolve's Mawde Fokol Ofr Yuo Live's Mxde F9ol Og Yku Liove's Mxade F9ool Ogf Ykou Loive's Maxde Fo9ol Ofg Yoku
Lovve's Madde F0ol Ot Y9u Loe's Mae F0ool Otf Y9ou Loev's Maed Fo0ol Oft Yo9u Lobe's Maxe Flol Ov Y0u Lobve's Flool Ovf Y0ou
Lovbe's Madxe Folol Ofv Yo0u Loce's Maee Fiol Od Ylu Locve's Maede Fiool Odf Ylou Lovce's Madee Foiol Ofd Yolu Loge's Mafe Yiu
Logve's Mafde Yiou Lovge's Madfe Folo Yoiu Lofe's Mare Fokl Youu Lofve's Marde Yo Lovfe's Madre Fookl You

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