Do The Best You Can

1. When you come across
The guy who thinks he's boss,
Yet never knows the reason why.
He won't let you pass,
Won't answer things you ask.
He's got his orders, do or die.

Someone said to me
If you tip the doorman heavily,
His doors will open wide for you.
Goes to show what money can do.
Win again, lose again,
Don't feel sad when things go bad,
You just do the best you can,
Do the best you can.

2. Please be kind to those
Who fail to comprehend.
And in time, who knows,
You'll maybe make a friend.

3. If you leave your car,
And you're not going far,
Remember what time to be back.
If it slips your mind,
I'm sure in time you'll find
A Rita waiting in a mac.


4. Win again, lose again.
Don't feel sad when things go bad,
You just do the best you can,
Do the best you can,
Do the best you can.

Mirror lyrics:

Do the best you can.
Do the best you can,
You just do the best you can,
Don't feel sad when things go bad,
4. Win again, lose again.


A Rita waiting in a mac.
I'm sure in time you'll find
If it slips your mind,
Remember what time to be back.
And you're not going far,
3. If you leave your car,

You'll maybe make a friend.
And in time, who knows,
Who fail to comprehend.
2. Please be kind to those

Do the best you can.
You just do the best you can,
Don't feel sad when things go bad,
Win again, lose again,
Goes to show what money can do.
His doors will open wide for you.
If you tip the doorman heavily,
Someone said to me

He's got his orders, do or die.
Won't answer things you ask.
He won't let you pass,
Yet never knows the reason why.
The guy who thinks he's boss,
1. When you come across

Relevant Tags:
DDo TThe BBest YYou CCan o he est ou an oD hTe eBst oYu aCn xo fhe vest gou fan xDo fThe vBest gYou fCan Dxo Tfhe Bvest Ygou Cfan
eo 5he gest hou xan eDo 5The gBest hYou xCan Deo T5he Bgest Yhou Cxan fo hhe nest 6ou van fDo hThe nBest 6You vCan Dfo Thhe Bnest Y6ou Cvan
ro yhe hest uou dan rDo yThe hBest uYou dCan Dro Tyhe Bhest Yuou Cdan co 6he Beest 7ou Caan cDo 6The Bst 7You Cn Dco T6he Bset Y7ou Cna
so ghe Bsst jou Czn sDo gThe Bsest jYou Czan Dso Tghe Besst Yjou Cazn Doo rhe B3st tou Cqn D rThe B3est tYou Cqan Do Trhe Be3st Ytou Caqn
Dk Bfst Yoou Csn Dko Te Bfest Yu Csan Dok Teh Befst Yuo Casn D9 Tje Brst Yku Cwn D9o Tjhe Brest Ykou Cwan Do9 Thje Berst Yoku Cawn
D0 Tue B4st Y9u Cxn D0o Tuhe B4est Y9ou Do0 Thue Be4st Yo9u Caxn Dl Tne Bdst Y0u Cann Dlo Tnhe Bdest Y0ou Ca Dol Thne Bedst Yo0u Can
Di Tbe Bwst Ylu Cam Dio Tbhe Bwest Ylou Camn Doi Thbe Bewst Yolu Canm Tge Yiu Cah

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